Eos Frontier Squadron

Eos Station • 4 Commands • Managed by FCAPT Alexandria Mitchell


“Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.”
—C.S. Lewis

Operating from Eos Station (DS108), an aging, somewhat operational Watchtower-Class starbase, the Eos Frontier Squadron isn’t Starfleet’s elite. They’re the leftovers. Undermanned and outfitted with older ships, they are the last line of defense in the Alpha Doradus system. A chaotic region where the Federation’s influence has faded, giving room to smugglers and illegal trade.

The sector is a powder keg, caught between unpredictable Romulan factions, opportunistic pirates, and the growing threat of the Phoenix Consortium. Outgunned and outmaneuvered, the Eos Squadron embodies Starfleet’s resilience and resourcefulness. Led by Fleet Captain Elena Mitchell, they prove that even Starfleet’s forgotten can rise to meet the greatest challenges.

Squadron Commands

Squadron Staff