Neptune Advance Exploration Squadron

USS Neptune • 4 Commands • Managed by FCAPT Brodie Lewis

The Neptune Squadron is an unit used for exploration under the command of Fleet Captain Mero Tomuya stationed at Deep Space 27 on some of the farthest reaches of the Federation borders. The Neptune Squadron is at the forefront of fleet exploration through its diverse officers and varied ships each of which help to make the division stronger. As the Squadron is on the fringe of the unknown what it encounters is always a surprise.

The Neptune Squadron is comprised of three different vessels, which complement the divisions strengths and weaknesses.

  • USS Neptune – The Flagship of the Squadron, a Vesta Class Explorer is the most versatile ship in the Squadron allowing for it to provide support in any mission, while versatile in roles its size makes it a target for the enemy.
  • Mirage Station (DS-27) – The home of the Neptune Squadron is also an integral part of the system it inhabits due to the prosperous amount of dilithium on the planet below. With the security of the planet, as well as trade and constant traffic before reaching the farthest reaches of space DS-27 is an integral part of the system it inhabits.
  • USS Hydra – The firepower of the Squadron, a Manticore Class Heavy Escort is the ship that can do the heavy work when it comes to fighting or combat encounters that the Division might encounter. Though it is heavily armed it cannot do the more finer points of mission objectives
  • USS Tianwen – The Scientific brainchild of the Squadron, a Pathfinder Class Science Vessel is the ship that is dedicated for the more advanced research and scientific missions that the Division may encounter. The Tianwen is the weakest when it comes to combat, but tries to avoid combat as much as possible. Its job to get in and out as quickly as possible.

Squadron Commands