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Profile Overview

Stiivan Thai

Trill Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Doctor Thai




A tall trill male, Thai has mahogany skin and a pleasing baritone that lends to his authority in Sickbay and his calming demeanor elsewhere. A very easygoing Doctor who downplays his mastery of several specialties with an often baffling, demure humility, he is a very experienced, capable leader.


Thai grew up with a admitted silver spoon in his mouth. From one of the wealthiest families on his homeworld, he made the most of all opportunities, always with an eye to exploring the stars while providing assistance to those who flung themselves into the great beyond. He has always seen himself as a supporting cast member in the story of the life of a great pioneer.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2300 - 2302 Student Starfleet Academy
Sophomore Cadet
2303 - 2308 Student Starfleet Medical Academy
Junior Cadet
2308 Medical Resident Deep Space Six
Senior Cadet
2308 - 2313 Surgeon Deep Space Six
2313 - 2320 Assistant Chief Medical Officer USS Miranda
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2320 - 2324 Chief Medical Officer USS Valkyrie
2324 - Present Chief Medical Officer USS Nighthawk