Profile Overview

Meilin Jiang

Human Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Commander Jiang




Meilin was born to unknown parentage in Hong Kong. She was raised by a Taoist enclave, to which she remains affiliated to this day. Though her easygoing nature sees few highs or lows, she is seldom seen to be taciturn or withdrawn. Her quiet strength is the bedrock of her temperament. Meilin is an eternal student and spends all of her time either in pursuit of study or in reflective meditation in what she has learned. She voluntarily maintains a section of the arboretum as part of her meditation regimen.


Born in Hong Kong, Meilin was orphaned at a young age. Taken in by an enclave of Taoist monks in historical district of the old city, she grew up isolated from the outside culture of Earth. When she came of age, Meilin decided to apply her intelligence and spirituality to a scientific pursuit through Starfleet.
As a consummate pacifist, Meilin followed the Scientific Corps and quickly earned a warrant in forensic anthropology in recognition of her commendable scores and innate expertise.
After two years of enlisted service, Meilin was pressed into a promotion with a field commission at the rank of provisional ensign during the previous Gorn conflict. The dwindling crew required her to man the Tactical bridge station for some weeks until they limped back to dock for repairs.
Upon making her field commission official, Meilin was transferred from Science to Security as a forensic specialist with relief tactical duty. She has served in this capacity ever since, though she never misses a chance to pursue a scientific theory when it presents itself.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2381 - 2382 Graduate Starfleet Academy
2382 - 2383 Anthropologist USS Mercia
2383 - 2384 Tactical Officer USS Mercia
2384 - 2387 Security Officer (Forensics Specialist) Starbase 375
2387 - 2388 Assistant Chief Tactical/Security Officer USS Osiris
2388 - 2389 Chief Security/Tactical Officer USS Palatine
2388 - Present Chief Science Officer Canopus Station