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Profile Overview

Jenny Lassonde

Human Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Junior Grade Lassonde




Geneviève Lassonde



Brimming with energy and ready to take on the world, Jenny is the gallant leader of the Golden Knights, USS Hawaii’s resident Starfighter flight. A loud, vivacious, larger-than-life personality, she flies and fights and laughs along with her friends and crew mates. Guaranteed to stand out in a crowd she is the Hawaii’s happy warrior, seeing herself as a Knight in shining armor, and completely certain that she can best every challenge the Gorn conflict has waiting for her.


Born and raised in Montreal, Quebec, Jenny is the youngest of five and the only girl. Practically from the day she could walk she would join in anything her brothers did, ice hockey, wrestling, soccer, and everything else. Before long she had mastered the art of wrapping them around her finger, and she would lead the Lassonde pack off on grand adventures, getting lost exploring the city, camping on ancient battlegrounds, building hidden castles out of scrap, she was never at a loss for things that she wanted to try.

As she grew older her interests broadened, she took up figure skating alongside hockey, And discovered that she enjoyed testing her mind on complex problems. She did well in school and excelled in athletics, growing into an active and outgoing young woman. She gained a reputation for being the toughest, loudest, and rowdiest of the entire unruly Lassonde pack.

Jenny knew from an early age that she wanted to protect people when she grew up. Starfleet was the most natural course of action for her, and when the time came to join up, she did so without a moment’s hesitation. She flourished at the Academy, the growth and the challenge she experienced there were like finding a new mountain to climb every day. In her element among so many driven, talented people she pushed herself to give the very best that she could offer, and dreamed of putting her newfound skill to work in service to the greater good.

She received her baptism of fire as a pilot aboard the carrier USS Langley and proved herself as a capable flyer. Loyal, effective, and likable, she built a strong reputation among her peers and in time rose to the position of flight leader. Now she faces her greatest challenge yet, leading the Golden Knights in support of USS Hawaii’s mission to secure to Gorn frontier.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2380 - 2381 General Studies Cadet Starfleet Academy
2381 - 2382 General Studies Cadet Starfleet Academy
2382 - 2383 Starfighter Cadet Starfleet Academy Flight School
2383 - 2384 Starfighter Cadet Starfleet Academy Flight School
2384 - 2386 Pilot, Flight 385 USS Langley
2386 - 2388 Flight Executive Officer, Flight 801 USS Langley
2388 - Present Flight Commanding Officer, Flight 801 USS Hawaii