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Profile Overview

Holly Meadows

Human Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Junior Grade Meadows




Jan 2399 …..SF Academy Medical Course. Cadet

August 2405 ….. Graduates MO jg

Oct 2405 …… Copernicus City Lunar Hospital 18 mths

March 2407…… Applies for a Starship posting. Ensign

June 2407…… USS Galahad


Holly is the younger child of Oliver and Anne Meadows who lived in Shropshire England.
She is close in age and affection to her brother Luke. He is now an engineer in SF currently serving aboard USS James Cook

She attended a local school in Ludlow to the age of 11 when she transferred to St Kyneburgas Academy, a prestigious private school in Shrewsbury. Her father is the principal there.
She enjoyed her school days on the whole and although not an outstanding pupil, she did well in her exams, better than expected in some.

By the age of eighteen her interest was set on a medical career and after discussion with her parents who fully supported her choice she applied to join StarFleet.
Four years later she graduated as a medical officer junior grade and began her training placement at Copernicus City Lunar Hospital. She found that both thrilling and scary at the same time. Her hard won medical knowledge at times seemed inadequate but she gained confidence and enjoyed her time there putting into practice what she had set her heart to do.