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Profile Overview

Tabitha Vale

Human Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Commander Vale


2393 – Applied and accepted to Starfleet Academy

2397 – Graduates Starfleet Academy. Ensign. Assigned as
Junior Counselors Aid to the Federation Embassy in Ashalla, Bajor.

2399 – Promoted to Lieutenant JG and assigned as Counselor to Starbase 36.

2402 – Promoted to Lieutenant and transferred to Starbase 129.

2404 – Transferred to USS Chimera as Mission Specialist.

2405 – Transferred to USS Galahad as Counselor


Tabitha Amber Vale was born in December 2376 to George and Judith Vale. Her nickname used by family and good friends is Tibby which derived from her first attempts to pronounce her own name.

Although born on Earth and proud to have been so, Tabitha spent little time there, just five months initially and around the same again some nine years later.

Her fathers career is in the Diplomatic Corps and his posting took the family to Algolia for five years and then to Peliar Zel II where Tabithas sister Sasha was born in 2381.

When only weeks old the baby was diagnosed with Phoson Syndrome a life limiting condition. The family returned to Earth when Sashas health took a rapid decline. She died when Tabitha was ten.
Although she had been aware and understood her sisters problems due to many careful but truthful explanations from her parents as the sisters grew up, losing Sasha had been a traumatic time.

A new posting following compassionate leave took her father and his family to Bajor and a new home in Ashalla.
Tabitha began to take an interest in the work of Counsellors following a few sessions talking to one who spent time with the family.
Deciding that wasa route she would like to pursue, she enrolled in StarFleet to do just that.
Her first position was as a Junior Counsellors Aid at the Ashalla Embassy.

She enjoyed her work though and also being able to spend time with her parents but she was a young adult now, ready to spread her wings so that when the opportunity arose for a StarBase posting, Tabitha seized the chance and with a new promotion from Ensign to Lieutenant jg, arrived at Starbase 36 on her 23rd birthday.
Soon afterwards she met her husband to be.
Three years later saw promotion to Lieutenant and a change of Starbase but it was a transfer to USS Chimera as a Mission Specialist that whetted her appetite for Starships. The move coincided with her divorce.
A successful application saw her move to USS Galahad as its Counselor in 2405

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
Counselor USS Galahad