
Profile Overview

Addison Faust

Human Woman

Character Information

Rank & Address

Captain Faust


Commanding Officer
USS Swiftsure


Addison Faust




Addison Faust is the commanding officer of the USS Swiftsure, an assignment she seems set to push far beyond all expectations. Well-connected within Starfleet Command and with a reputation for stern efficiency, Faust has taken a career in Starfleet Intelligence to the front lines of starship service with gusto. Assigned as Deputy Commander to Endeavour Squadron and posted to the turbulent frontier Midgard Sector, Faust has already pushed a middling starship to its limits. Under her command, the Swiftsure has not only shored up Starfleet infrastructure and supported frontier operations, but been turned into a platform to gather crucial local intelligence, shut down piracy, and acted as a rapid response ship for any crisis facing the region.

Faust has made it clear that her priority is the interests of the Federation, which will not be sacrificed for the convenience of outsiders under her watch. Nevertheless, she is committed to Starfleet, and much more likely to play politics to get her own way than directly challenge orders or undermine a planned operation.