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Profile Overview

Sivani Kadayam

Human Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Kadayam




Sivani Elizabeth Kadayam



Sivani has spent her career as a Marine aviator, flying (and commanding) an aging Peregrine in support of Marine operations. After FOB Pawan was shut down, Sivani found herself, along with the squadron of antiquated Peregrines she commands, being integrated into a recently retrofitted Galaxy-class cruiser, the USS Ulysses.


Born in the picturesque commune of Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, Sivani is the second of the two daughters of Anirudhi Kadayam, a renowned traditional mountaineer and Anna Kadayam-Toulouse, the current manager of the manufacturory that produces the famous Opinel knives, a company that traces its roots back more than five hundred years.

Although she was more athletically inclined than her sister, Sivani was not particularly enthused by her father’s pastime, being more inclined to participate in adventure racing. At some point in her secondary education, Sivani decided that she wanted to attend Starfleet Academy. This came as a surprise to her parents, as neither side of her family had a tradition of service, but her father and mother were both supportive of her ambitions.

Sivani was accepted to the Academy on her 18th birthday, and might not have lasted until her 19th birthday party, were it not for her suitemate Natalla Lima. Sivani found herself struggling through exobiology and related courses, and it was thanks to Natalla that Sivani was able to get through the Academy’s minimum academic requirements for the life sciences. Sivani graduated halfway in her class with a major in mathematics.

In Sivani’s defense, she did garner more than a few accolades in her major, and more than one of her instructors thought she should pursue a graduate degree.

Sivani might have done just that, except her friend and suitemate Natalla got Sivani interested in Capoeira, which Sivani took an instant love to. This in turn brought Sivani to the attention of the cadet commander of the Nova Squadron. Spending her junior and senior year flying in the Squadron awakened a new passion in Sivani.

Sivani demonstrated herself a superb pilot during flight school, earning her the nickname “Kilroy” from the lead flight instructor, for some obscure reason he never adequately explained.

Silvani demonstrated herself to be a more than able pilot, as well as a squared away Marine, but the call sign Kilroy stuck with her until a classified incident called the Brushup, which involved both marine pilots and marine infantry. Outside of the combatants involved, very little is known about the Brushup. Silvani did earn the nickname “HTH” from those involved, but those who invoke the nickname refuse to explain its origin, only saying, “If you get the opportunity to understand it, then you can use it.”

After the brushup, Silvani began using the callsign “Aquagirl.”

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2381 - 2385 Starfleet Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Senior Grade
2385 Flight School Student Starfleet Flight School
2385 - 2386 Fighter Pilot USS Ranger
2386 - 2387 Flight Leader USS Miramar
2387 - 2388 Squadron Commander USS Miriamar
2388 - 2389 Flight Instructor Starfleet Flight School
2389 Squadron Commander FOB Pawan
2389 Squadron Commander USS Ulysses
2389 - Present Intelligence Officer USS Ulysses