Disillusioned by the depths of Starfleet’s corruption following Frontier Day, Captain Kalab Jeovanni walked away from his philosophical research projects in the Avalon Research & Design Group, feeling he could do no good from the sidelines. Leveraging his bridge officer training from his days as a security officer –and Starfleet’s need for capable officers after all the losses suffered on Frontier Day– Jeovanni pursued a switch to the command track.
As the commanding officer of the scout ship USS Grus, Jeovanni is a skilled people-pleaser –be it working in the resorts of Risa or galvanising a research team– who can energise teams in a common direction, sometimes at a cost to himself. After studying philosophy on Risa as a young adult and serving Starfleet as a security and science officer, Captain Jeovanni offers a unique perspective on the Starfleet of yesterday, of today, and the vision of Starfleet’s aspirations.
Depending on the cut of his uniform, Jeovanni generally retains the athletic silhouette from his days as a security officer, although the minute details would betray his only daily fitness comes from mild jogging. He stands at 181 centimetres tall and weighs 85 kilograms. His dark brown eyes match his hair. His hair length varies depending on his mood, much like his facial hair, varying from buzzcut to the limits of regulation length. Like many Risians, Jeovanni has a small Ja’risia tattoo in the centre of his forehead.
From childhood, Jeovanni has had the knack to serve as a social lubricant. When he was older and working at Risian resorts, he honed this still into an artform. Through a complex interchange of observation, compliments and validation he’s able to energise groupings of people to galvanise towards a shared outcome. In its extreme, Jeovanni can become a people pleaser and lose himself — lose his point of view, lose his identity — in his dogged determination to achieve the group’s need. “All that is ours is yours,” as they say.
In his alone time, he can become too focused on the details. This can manifest as needing to read seven more articles in his research after he’s already found what he needs, testing variations on a replicator recipe so many times until it makes him ill, or simply replaying embarrassing memories in his head. It can become an all-consuming gluttony for information, sensation or consumables, causing him to lose time or forget to take care of himself.
As a result, Jeovanni can come across as fickle to a friend or lover. His people-pleasing can be overwhelming at times, but its absence can feel just as harsh when Jeovanni finds a new project he desires.
Swim Lessons
On the sleepy shores of Suraya Bay, Kalab Jeovanni was born into a household overfilled with laughter and music. His father designed buildings to bring more tourism to Risa and his mother worked as a cultural archivist, but as young parents, they took to work like hobbies, rather than careers. This was the foundation from which Jeovanni grew, but it was a time largely before he held onto remembrance. By the time he was a child, attending school, Jeovanni’s home had turned into a quiet and cautious place. Despite being a strong swimmer, his older brother had drown. In reaction, Jeovanni was never allowed to swim; he was kept away from the tourists passing through Suraya Bay. He was only permitted to attend school and family and gathering spots frequented only by the locals. Jeovanni was raised to believe he was a previous gem who must be kept safe above all else.
Jeovanni’s first exposure to the pleasure planet resorts of Risa came when he took a job in a casino, while he was studying in university. His decision to study philosophy came not from a passion nor a desire to actually do anything with the education. His parents and his teachers encouraged him to study something he loved, so work would never feel like work, but Jeovanni felt no stirrings in any one direction. Rather, it was a counsellor who asked Jeovanni what came easily to him in his foundational education that finally motivated him towards the pursuit of a degree.
In-Flight Safety
After progressing through over five years of higher education at the Fornral Institute on Risa, Jeovanni found himself increasingly moved by the plight of the Romulans. From the news media, he learned of the Romulans fleeing the impending supernova of their home. Jeovanni’s work in the resort brought him face-to-face with inspiring Starfleet officers who were, themselves, facing a potential future where they could spend an entire generation in aid of Romulan relocation. That instinct to protect resonated in Jeovanni. After pondering the pros and cons for some months, Jeovanni enrolled in Starfleet’s officer candidate school.
Although he fully intended to join Starfleet as a science officer –perhaps an anthropologist or sociologist to assist the transition of Romulan refugees on Federation worlds– Jeovanni pivoted towards the end of his training to a career as a security officer. In the full vigor of youth, he wanted to spend his days using his body, remaining on vigilant on his feet. Sitting hunched over a science console didn’t appeal to him. Even upon his assignment to the USS Charlton as a security officer, his security training continued. As he progressed through promotions, he continued his training on advanced starship operations that he missed by not attending the Academy proper.
Those New Scientists
After Romulan rescue efforts fell through, after the initial wave of paranoia followed the attack on Mars in 2385, Jeovanni’s fling with security neared its end. His education in philosophy drew his attention back to the social sciences and he was eventually approved a transfer to a role as a science officer. After publishing an article on the ideology and cognition that motivated the Sovereignty of Kahless, Lieutenant Commander Jeovanni received recognition in being promoted to Head of Sociology on Starbase 310.
Towards the end of his tenure in that role, Jeovanni spent a couple of years developing a proposal for an independent research team in the Avalon Research & Design Group. His proposal was rejected a couple of times and redeveloped until he was granted a multi-disciplinary research team to evaluate the language, application and litigation of Starfleet’s Prime Directive through the philosophical lens of axiology. The team’s progress in their first years of research lead to the team being expanded to the We Are Starfleet project, a practical philosophical critique of Starfleet’s mission statements, purpose and general orders as Starfleet enters the 25th century.
Service Record
Date | Position | Posting | Rank |
2384 - 2385 | Officer Candidate | Officer Training School - Mellstoxx III |
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2385 - 2387 | Security Officer | USS Charlton |
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2387 - 2389 | Security Officer | USS Westminster |
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2389 - 2393 | Science Officer | USS Dvorak |
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2393 - 2398 | Head of Sociology | Starbase 310 |
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2398 - 2400 | Team Lead, Prime Directive Axiology | Avalon Research & Design Group |
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2400 - 2401 | Project Lead, We Are Starfleet Project | Avalon Research & Design Group |
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2401 | Commanding Officer | USS Grus |
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2401 - Present | Commanding Officer | USS Minerva |
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