
Profile Overview

created by midjourney

Samara Ki

Human Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Captain Ki


Director Intelligence Services
Montana Station


The Dark One


Samara Ryong Rye Ki


Yangyang-gun, Korea


Captain Ki has been assigned to assist with the operations of the Montana Station in the rimward areas.  Her speciality in Intelligence operations and her success has led to her being placed here.


created by midjourney
created by midjourney


Severe.  Direct.  Unswerving.


Early Years (2350-2368)

Starfleet Academy (2368-2372)

USS Flathead Lake (2372-2374)

USS Denver (2374-2374)

Ryong Rye Ki served as chief engineer for a brief time before being sought after by Starfleet Security and Intelligence. The system flagged her scores and natural talent. She was transferred to undergo training and supervision.

Starfleet (2374-2401)

In the first year, she began to see her family less and found the security and intelligence field more enjoyable.  Her unique skills, languishing as an engineer, began to bloom and expand with extensive training.  After two years of academy work and mentorship with various Intelligence officers, she is transferred to Starbase 1 to undergo her the next step in her training – working in the real world.  Her part in the Dominion War began her shift away from security and more towards Intelligence Operations.  Once the war ended, Ki decided she must separate from her family and leave their legacy behind – including the culture that had raised her.  She adopts a more Western name.  She adopted ‘Samara,’ which had multiple meanings. ‘Guardian,’ ‘protected by God,’ or ‘night talk.’  It was an intentional choice but not one she discussed.

Her record from 2376 onwards was a mix of redacted assignments and berths used to disguise her true purpose.  She grew in experience and talent throughout her career.  She did not return to Denver or seek out her former crew.  Ki received promotions in Starfleet Intelligence and was promoted to Captain in 2395.  Her activities and actions within the department are heavily redacted.

Montana Station (2401-Present)

She was assigned as the Director of Intelligence Services in 2401 aboard the new Montana Station, aka Starbase 406.  Her mission is unknown, and her intentions even more so covered under a thin veneer of mystery.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2401 - Present Director of Intelligence Services Montana Station
2374 Chief Engineering Officer USS Denver
2374 Assistant Chief Engineering Officer USS Flathead Lake
2370 - 2374 Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Senior Grade