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Profile Overview

Douglas Mallory

Marai Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Mallory




Much older than he appears, Douglas (original given name of Arrda) spent many years in service to his own people before deciding to serve Starfleet. His late wife was half Human, which gave him ties to Earth and, thereby, the Federation.


1358 – Born
1362-1376 – Primary Schooling (Earth Equivalent Pre-School through High School)
1376-1476 – Various Schools for the Arts
1476-1491 – Designed and oversaw the construction of the Capital Quad on Marai
1491-1555 – Engaged in many forms of Performing Arts
1555-1629 – Shifted his focus into Painting and participated in several Gallery Showings
1629-1758 – Returned to Architecture
1708 – Beginning of the Great War with the Genessa
1758 – Drafted into the Enforcer Guild
1758-1763 – Reprogrammed and Fitness Trained for Enforcer Guild
1763-1809 – Served in Enforcer Guild for War Effort
1809 – War ends with the Treaty of Corridan
1809-2008 – Various Enforcer Missions *All Details Classified*
2009-2013 – Earth Mission
2013 – Earth Mission ends with Betrayal
2013 – Left Earth in a damaged ship. Encountered Kestra Seeker Second Dekotah Krystahnii
2017 – Married Dekotah Krystahnii
2018 – Aidan Mallory, the first of 15 children between them, is born
2018-2373 – Various Enforcer Missions between which are born and raised 14 other children

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2373 - 2374 Student Starfleet Academy: San Francisco
2374 - 2375 Student Starfleet Academy: San Francisco
2375 - 2376 Student Starfleet Academy: San Francisco
2376 - 2377 Student Starfleet Academy: San Francisco
2377 - 2382 Security Officer USS SilverStorm
2382 - 2388 Security Officer USS QuickSilver
2388 - 2392 Assistant Chief of Security USS Altair-C