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Profile Overview

Marcus Alexander

Human Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Alexander




Marcus Lee Alexander



Marcus Lee Alexander is a medical genius. Having served as both a combat medic specialist and medical officer in Starfleet, Alexander is know as one of the top rising minds in the Medical Branch of Starfleet. Having transferred from his position as Medical Officer at Starbase 12, Alexander spent the last year serving on board the USS Polaris in para-rescue and search missions in deep space. Alexander hopes that his new position as Chief Medical Officer on the USS Columbus will allow him to save lives while exploring the new frontier of the Delta Quadrant.


Marcus grew up in the town of Troy, AL on Earth. Second born son of a Starfleet Admiral and civilian medical physician. Marcus followed in both of his parents footsteps. He was accepted into Starfleet Academy and soon knew the medical services were his passion. Marcus trained while in his early days at the academy as a combat medic specialist. After graduation, Marcus was assigned to multiple search and rescue missions along the Federation border. He performed in para-rescue missions as well as relief missions. After two years Marcus quickly moved up through the ranks. Marcus’s mother convinced him to continue his medical training to become a medical doctor. Marcus then spent the next few years following his mother’s advice while serving at Starbase 12. Marcus excelled in medical school and graduated top of his class, specializing in trauma services. He then serviced as a Junior Medical Officer at the Starbase. Marcus’s superiors noticed that he surpassed most of his peers in skills. Many attributed to his previous service as a combat medic. Marcus, growing bored with the monotonous life on a starbase requested a transfer to the front lines. With many recommendations, Marcus transferred to the USS Polaris as a medical officer on the ship mission for deep space exploration. Marcus works for the day to become Chief Medical Officer on a deep space exploration vessel to bold go where no one has gone before.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2389 Chief Medical Officer U.S.S. Nogura
2389 Chief Medical Officer U.S.S. Columbus
2388 - 2389 Assistant Chief Medical Officer U.S.S. Polaris
2385 - 2388 Medical Officer Starbase 12
2383 - 2385 Search & Rescue Specialist U.S.S. Lionheart
2382 - 2383 Search & Rescue Specialist U.S.S. Lionheart