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Profile Overview

Charlie McCullen

Human Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant McCullen


Charles James McCullen


USS New London


Charles McCullen was born into Starfleet. His parents serve, his grandparents served, and his great-grandparents were among the first to serve. There was little doubt that both he and his two siblings would sign up. By the age of twelve, he was annoying his captain by taking turns, supervised of course, at the helm. By the age of fifteen, he was a cadet-ensign serving part-time on the alpha shift.

McCullen graduated from Starfleet academy after only two years, having completed much of the coursework and testing aboard ship. At age 18, he was assigned to the USS Xavier, an ageing Defiant-class cruiser. At age 24 he was an officer in the Klingon Defense Forces. At age 26, he is ready to start the next step in his career.


Height: 5’4″ (162 cm)

Weight: 140 lbs (64 kg)

Charles ‘Charlie’ James McCullen is of slight build, shorter than average and baby-faced. His perpetually tousled brown hair and wide brown eyes add to the illusion of youth and innocence. Even in his mid-20s Charlie can still, with a little acting, pass for a teenager.

Charlie has what he would describe as a resting smirk-face, a perpetual look of mild amusement that gets him into, and often out of, trouble. A well-toned physique helps too.


Lieutenant Commander T’Prin, analysing counsellor, report on Lieutenant Charles McCullen:

Lieutenant McCullen has an almost pathological need to prove himself and suffers from deep-rooted anxiety and impostor syndrome which he often masks, fairly effectively, with a grin and a joke. This seems to be the result of fear that others have the perception that, as his mother is an admiral and his father a captain, he has gained his position through influence rather than merit. Under pressure, Lieutenant McCullen performs admirably and stress tends to have a focusing effect. The lieutenant’s ability to compartmentalise and manage difficult emotions is sufficient for a human of his age. His ability to convey information in a direct and clear manner is sufficient.

Socially, Lieutenant McCullen is adept at distraction and redirection, tending to avoid deeper connections and social interactions. He prefers to project an image of a flippant, casual jester and has a tendency to hide or mask more serious thoughts and emotions. This stems from a fear of loss which requires further study but is outwith the remit of this analysis.

It is my conclusion that Lieutenant McCullen is fit for duty.


Charles McCullen was born into Starfleet. His parents serve, his grandparents served, his great-grandparents were among the first to serve.
Born aboard the USS New London during an exploratory mission, the youngest of two brothers and three sisters. He was raised on the New London until her destruction on route to Romulus in 2385. Then nine years old, Charlie has vivid memories of synthetics committing bloody murder and a frantic escape.
Aboard his new home, the USS Martin, he received counselling to combat the nightmares and PTSD. He quickly rebounded, though, and by the age of twelve, he was annoying his captain (who was also his mother,) by taking turns, supervised of course, at the helm during bravo shirt. By the age of fifteen, he was a cadet-ensign serving part-time on the alpha shift.
Ensign McCullen graduated from Starfleet academy after only two years, having completed much of the coursework and testing aboard ship.  At age 18, he was assigned to the USS Xavier, an ageing Defiant-class vessel, as a junior flight control officer. He served aboard her for four years, rising through the department to become the chief helmsman and member of the senior staff. He spends most of his career aboard the Xavier in the Klingon borders and earns a reputation as a good helmsman to have in a pinch.
In 2398, the USS Xavier was recalled for refit and modernization after nearly 30 years of service. Now a Lieutenant, Charles McCullen took the opportunity to partake in an officer exchange, spending six months as helmsman of the IKS wamwI’, still fighting against the remnants of The Sovereignty.
After returning to The Federation, Charles was promoted to Lieutenant and briefly reassigned to Starfleet academy as an instructor pilot, but it quickly became apparent that while he was an outstanding pilot, he was not a particularly good teacher, and he was returned to active front-line duty in 2400.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2391 - 2392 Flight Officer USS Martin
Cadet Freshman Grade
2392 - 2393 Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Senior Grade
2393 - 2394 Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2394 - 2395 Flight Officer USS Xavier
2395 - 2396 Flight Control Officer USS Xavier
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2396 - 2398 Chief Flight Control Officer USS Xavier
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2398 Helmsman IKS wamwI'
2399 - 2400 Instructor Pilot Starfleet Academy