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Profile Overview

Martin Catterick

Human Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Master Chief Petty Officer Catterick


Chief Engineer
USS Thyanis


Martin James Catterick

18th November 2364

Maidstone, Kent, England , Earth


Martin Catterick Is the Chief of the boat / Operations officer of the USS Thyanis. His duties mainly center around the day-to-day operations and maintenance of the vessel and assisting the CO & XO as a liaison to the enlisted crew. He typically has oversight of any loading/unloading operations of the ship’s cargo modules and servicing of the ship’s shuttlecraft. He typically can be found in the Engineering bay or on the bridge manning the OPS console.


Martin is 5ft 10” tall, has a medium build, and is a little rough around the edges. He spends most of his time getting stuck into his tasks which usually find him in crawlspaces and Jeffries tubes and it is not unusual to find him with grease or other stains in his uniform and hair


Martin has had a long career as an enlisted crewmember and has only obtained his present position and rank through hard work and developing a bit of a reputation as a miracle worker. He is a bit of a workaholic, preferring to find comfort in tinkering with machines and circuitry. As a colleague, he is almost something of a union representative and is often very outspoken about working conditions and the entitlements of his crew mates.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2382 Operations Recruit Starfleet Enlisted Training Centre - Starbase 310
Crewman Recruit
2382 - 2383 Operations Apprentice USS Apache - NCC-71602
Crewman Apprentice
2383 - 2385 Transporter Technician USS Apache - NCC-71602
2385 - 2388 Maintenance Technician USS Columbia - NCC-76991
Petty Officer 3rd Class
2388 - 2392 Support Craft Maintainance USS Columbia - NCC-76991
Petty Officer 2nd Class
2392 - 2395 Engineering Technician USS Helios - NCC-63284
Petty Officer 1st Class
2395 - 2398 Cargo Operations Manager Overwatch Station - DS-404
Chief Petty Officer
2398 - 2401 Chief of Operations Overwatch Station - DS-404
Senior Chief Petty Officer
2401 Chief of the Boat / Operations USS Thyanis – NCC-88019
Master Chief Petty Officer
2401 - Present Chief Engineer USS Thyanis – NCC-88019
Master Chief Petty Officer