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Profile Overview

Dr. Mollia 'Molly' Xan

Trill (Joined) Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Commander Xan


Chief Medical Officer
USS Thyanis


Mollia Xan

27th February 2363



Doctor Mollia Xan (known as Molly to friends and colleagues) Is the Chief Medical Officer aboard the USS Thyanis NCC-88019.  Molly is the second host of the Trill Symbiont ‘Xan’  While she is a doctor of Medicine, her joining with the Trill Symbiont also gives her a lifetime of experience in other sciences particularly in the field of astrophysics which made her an excellent candidate for her position on the Thyanis on her first mission when she was operated with only a limited crew.


Mollia Xan is 5ft 4” tall, petite build with long flowing brown hair. As with all Trill, she has dark brown spots that run all the way from her forehead to her toes along both sides of her body.


Mollia is an extremely calm and focused individual who; thanks to her joined Symbiant – is able to draw from past experience and apply it to her current situation. Her previous host was an astrophysicist who also enjoyed music and astronomy. Mollia inherits these traits and having trained as a surgeon she has a steady and accurate hand enabling her to play a wide range of instruments.

She is as happy at the science console as she is at the surgical table and while she is her own entity, she does like to remind people of her joined status and that her Symbiant is nearly 300 years old.

Mollia can however be sometimes slightly nieve, she is only the second host of the Xan Symbiant, and while she likely still has more knowledge and experience than the average crewmember, she is not overly wise for her age.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2381 - 2385 Trill Initiate Symbiosis Commission , Trill
2385 Joined with Xan Symbiant Symbiosis Commission , Trill
2387 - 2388 Cadet Freshman Starfleet Academy San Francisco
Cadet Freshman Grade
2388 - 2389 Cadet Sophomore Starfleet Academy San Francisco
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2389 - 2390 Cadet Junior Starfleet Academy San Francisco
Cadet Junior Grade
2390 - 2391 Cadet Senior Starfleet Academy San Francisco
Cadet Senior Grade
2391 - 2395 Medical Student Starfleet Medical School - Starfleet Academy San Francisco
2395 - 2396 Surgical Internship Starbase 515 Medical Centre
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2396 - 2399 Surgical Residency Starbase 515 Medical Centre
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2399 - 2400 Surgical Residency Starbase 515 Medical Centre
2400 - 2401 Chief Medical / Science Officer USS Thyanis NCC-88019
2401 - Present Chief Medical Officer USS Thyanis NCC-88019
Lieutenant Commander