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Profile Overview

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Theo Dalton

Human Cisgender Man


Character Information

Rank & Address

Commander Dalton


Commanding Officer
USS Endurance


Theodore Edward Dalton

August 12, 2364

New Seattle, Izar


Born on the planet Izar, Theo Dalton spent his childhood wondering what lay beyond the nearby Deneb frontier. His mother, who worked in the local government of New Seattle, instilled a deep sense of duty in him. His thirst for adventure and his sense of duty led Theo to Starfleet Academy with the dream of becoming a pilot. Over the next fifteen years, he would prove himself a skilled pilot, dynamic leader, and strategic thinker. His journey would see him rise to become Executive Officer of the USS Horatio before eventually being given command of the USS Endurance.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2382 - 2383 Flight Control Cadet Starfleet Academy
San Francisco Campus
Cadet Freshman Grade
2383 - 2384 Flight Control Cadet Starfleet Academy
San Francisco Campus
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2384 - 2385 Flight Control Cadet Starfleet Academy
Mellstoxx III Campus
Cadet Junior Grade
2385 - 2386 Flight Control Cadet Starfleet Academy
Mellstoxx III Campus
Cadet Senior Grade
2386 - 2387 Shuttle Pilot USS Columbia NCC-76991
2387 - 2388 Chief Shuttle Pilot USS Columbia NCC-76991
2388 - 2390 Flight Control Officer USS Columbia NCC-76991
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2390 - 2393 Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer USS Cygnus NCC-71954
2393 - 2395 Chief Flight Control Officer USS Cygnus NCC-71954
2395 - 2398 Chief Flight Control Officer
Second Officer
USS Cygnus NCC-71954
Lieutenant Commander
2398 - 2401 Executive Officer USS Horatio NCC-86412
2401 Senior Officer of the Watch USS Challenger NCC-92421
2401 - Present Commanding Officer USS Endurance NCC- 79322