
Profile Overview

Zainic König

Vulcan/Trill Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Ensign König


Zainic Anthony König

July 31, 2380


Born to a Vulcan father and a Trill mother, Zain learned from a young age to always strive to be the best in every activity he got involved with. From athletics to academics to Art (such as; music and drawing) he had always been the best, even top of his class at star fleet academy. Now that he has acquired his first commission, his hunger for success can only grow deeper.




Zain is extremely introverted and tends to avoid social gatherings, he tends to be cold and indifferent to most and spends his free-time alone perfecting his combat prowess or just reading a book


Born to a Vulcan father and a Trill mother, the hybrid grew up in a unique environment that exposed him to two vastly different cultures. His Vulcan heritage taught him to value logic, reason, and emotional control, while his Trill heritage instilled in him a love of exploration, adventure, and personal growth.

As a child, the hybrid struggled to reconcile these two opposing viewpoints. He often felt caught between his Vulcan father’s strict expectations and his Trill mother’s encouragement to pursue his passions. Despite these challenges, the hybrid excelled academically and developed a deep love of science and technology.

When it came time to choose a career path, the hybrid was torn between pursuing a career in Vulcan science or following in his mother’s footsteps and becoming a Starfleet officer. In the end, his sense of adventure won out, and he decided to join Starfleet.

Upon entering Starfleet Academy, the hybrid quickly found that his unique background gave him a fresh perspective on many situations. His Vulcan training allowed him to remain calm and analytical under pressure, while his Trill heritage gave him a deep curiosity and a willingness to take risks.

As he progressed through his training, the hybrid proved to be an exceptional student, excelling in his studies and demonstrating a natural aptitude for leadership. He quickly made a name for himself among his peers, earning a reputation as a talented strategist with a gift for creative problem-solving.

Now, as a newly commissioned Starfleet officer, the hybrid is eager to explore the galaxy and put his skills to the test. He sees his hybrid nature as a strength rather than a weakness, and is determined to use his unique perspective to make a difference in the universe.