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Profile Overview

Hitomi Rio

Human Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Rio


Hitomi is the protagonist of the TNU paranormal stories ENN. She is a college graduate who studied engineering and fought with the Night Hunters during the Chaos incidents. Hitomi was super-apathetic until recently when she started to make friends after being assigned to the Lavie. She was then offered the job as chief engineer and has opened herself up to meeting people now. She is romantically involved with Andrew Weaver. It is hinted that she is a mech pilot and knows things about fighting paranormal creatures as she was involved in the ENN stories with Yumiari Kami and Raku Kami.


Introduced In: ENN
Weapon of Choice: Gems/PECARIN Shield System
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Hair/Eye Color: Blue/Purple
Height/Weight: 5′ 7”/ 120 lbs

Description: Hitomi is the protagonist of the TNU paranormal stories ENN. She is a college graduate who studied engineering and fought with the Night Hunters during the Chaos incidents. Hitomi was super-apathetic until recently when she started to make friends after being assigned to the Lavie. She was then offered the job as chief engineer and has opened herself up to meeting people now. She is romantically involved with Andrew Weaver. It is hinted that she is a mech pilot and knows things about fighting paranormal creatures as she was involved in the ENN stories with Yumiari Kami and Raku Kami.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
Defense Contractor DFS Lavie
Engineer DFS Lavie