
Profile Overview

Kaylinn Tel

Trill Female

Character Information




Kaylinn is a 21-year-old, unjoined female Trill. Her mother passed away during childbirth and she was raised by her single father, a civilian engineer in the Federation Merchant Service. Or, more accurately, Kaylinn was raised by her father and the crew of the merchant freighter SS Sisyphus – after all, it takes a village. Kaylinn’s father also passed away when she was 16 years old, marking the most significant loss of her young life. Having nowhere else to go, she joined the Merchant Service as an apprentice engineer and stayed on the Sisyphus with the closest thing she had to a family. But the crew wanted to see the talented, though emotionally closed-off, young engineer grow beyond the walls of a space hauler. So, at their urging, she enlisted in Starfleet on her 21st birthday.