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Profile Overview

Donovan Daly

Human Male

Character Information




Donovan Joseph Daly



Marine Detachment Senior Non-Commissioned Officer. Daly is a stern and taciturn leader. Though he seems quite sullen, he cares for the lives of his Marines very deeply, but he ensures that his personal feelings do not get in the way of his command duties. He is a strict disciplinarian and a stern task master when it comes to training. Daly expects the best from the men and women that serve under him, holding his Marines to the highest standards. Served several decades within Special Operations, including in several major campaigns and various conflicts throughout Starfleet history.


Name Donovan Joseph Daly

Rank Command Sergeant Major

Current Post Starfleet Marine Corps Special Operations Command, Training Division

Current Assignment Marine Detachment Senior Non-Commissioned Officer

Personal Information

Species Human

Age 61

Gender Male

Height 5’10”

Weight 178 lbs.

Hair/Eye Color Brown peppered with Grey / Grey


Donovan Joseph Daly was born in New York City on the planet Earth June 4, 2328 to career Starfleet officers Rear Admiral Daniel Joseph Daly IV and Captain Katherine Shepherd. The Daly family comes from a long line of military service dating all the way back to the Boxer Rebellion of 1900. Donovan is descended from none other than the early 20th Century hero, Sergeant Major Daniel Joseph Daly I, one of the only United States Marines who ever received his Nation’s highest military award-the Medal of Honor-twice for separate acts of heroism.

In 2333, his parents had another child. They named him Daniel Joseph Daly V, after his father. Since both parents were career Starfleet officers and were always away on various assignments, the two Daly boys were raised for their most of their lives by their maternal grandfather Daniel Joseph Daly III. Affectionately known as ‘Grandpa Joe’ the boys spent their formative years at their grandfather’s ranch in Montana.

Grandpa Joe had been a career officer in the Starfleet Marine Corps, and retired at the rank of Colonel. He took it upon himself to teach his grandsons everything he knew about survival to include; hunting, tracking, escape and evasion, cover and concealment, marksmanship, and armed and unarmed combat. The latter skills would turn into a lifelong passion for young Donovan. He particularly enjoyed the Anbo-jytsu lessons and the weapons training with his grandfather. As a child he vowed to follow in Grandpa Joe’s footsteps and become a Starfleet Marine. When Donovan’s father found out about his future ambitions he went off the deep end. He told Donovan to get any foolish notion about joining the Marines out of his head. When it was time for him to serve in the military he would be doing so by attending Starfleet Academy and becoming a Starfleet officer.

When he was seventeen years old, Donovan reluctantly applied to Starfleet Academy. After doing well on his entrance exam he was accepted in 2345. He quickly rose to the top of his class in the Security field despite his father’s wishes that he go into the Command field.

During his first year as a cadet Donovan’s squad was chosen to demonstrate security techniques in a tactical display for visiting dignitaries and upper echelon Starfleet and Starfleet Marine Corps VIPs. Through Daly’s outstanding leadership ability and brilliant application of military tactics, the first-year cadets easily thrashed the fourth-year cadet squad that they were competing against. This was an unheard-of event, as the fourth-year squad was composed of some of the finest students at the academy.

The Commander of the Starfleet Marine Corps Special Operations (Division Training Command), Maj. Gen. John Blackstone, was thoroughly impressed and decided to meet this fine young cadet personally. Blackstone approached young Cadet Daly, and offered him the opportunity to attend his Starfleet Marine Corps Special Operations School. Unfortunately, there was one caveat – the young Cadet would have to drop out of Starfleet Academy to do so. Daly almost accepted the general’s generous offer, but decided that for once in his life he wanted to make his father proud and become a Starfleet officer. Blackstone respected his decision, but told Cadet Daly that if he ever changed his mind the offer would still stand.

In 2349, Daly graduated Starfleet Academy and was promoted to the rank of Ensign and was assigned to security duties aboard the USS Musashi (NCC-14755) an Excelsior-class Federation starship under the command of Captain Luther Grimalkin. During his three years assigned to the Musashi, Daly gained quite the reputation in security operations and as a fine Starfleet Officer. He was quickly promoted to Lieutenant and was assigned as the Assistant Chief Security Officer. Captain Grimalkin saw potential in the young Lieutenant and began assigning Daly with more leadership responsibilities on away-missions. But it wasn’t until the Federation-Tzenkethi War that Daly truly stood out from amongst his peers.

During this conflict, Lieutenant Daly was assigned a very dangerous but vital away-mission. Given command of a small security contingent composed of Starfleet security personnel, Daly was tasked with finding the location of several Federation colonists being held hostage by Tzenkethi dissidents. They were to recon the area and report the troop strength of the enemy forces as well as the general layout of the area, and to see if any of the colonists were still alive. Having successfully completed his phase of the mission, Lieutenant Daly reported his findings to the Musashi.

A squad of Starfleet Marine Recon Detachment Marines were beamed down to the surface of the planet to carry out the next phase of the rescue operation. They assaulted the building where the hostages were being held at dawn under the cover of a severe ion storm that made Tzenkethi sensors unable to pick up any life signs of approaching intruders. The mission was going according to plan until the Recon Marines exited the compound with the colonists and found themselves surrounded by a vastly superior enemy force.

As Lieutenant Daly and his contingent of security personnel provided overwatch for the Marines, they observed in horror what was transpiring. Notifying the Musashi, Daly requested immediate emergency beam out. But the teleporter operator aboard the Musashi informed Daly that due to the interference of the ion storm he was unable to get a lock on their signals, and wouldn’t be able to do so for another six hours once the storm finally cleared.

The situation growing dimmer by the minute, Daly gathered his personnel and launched a surprise counter-offensive against the Tzenkethi attackers. This provided a distraction for the Marines to draw back from the kill zone to a more defensible position. The Marine’s Squad Leader was killed in the ensuing firefight. Daly took immediate command over the Marine squad and ordered them to lay down suppressive fire while he and his security contingent rushed to their position. Now all they had to do was hold out until the ion storm passed.

Six hours later, and no word from the away team, Captain Grimalkin quickly dispatched two shuttles of security personnel as well as three more squads of Recon Marines to Daly’s last known position. Grimalkin no longer considered their efforts a rescue operation; it had now become a recovery operation. The recovery team expected to find the worst outcome, but what they discovered defied logic. Despite overwhelming odds and a vastly superior enemy force, Daly and his surviving Starfleet and Marine personnel managed to fight off or kill most of their attackers. Eyewitness testimony confirmed that it was through Lieutenant Daly’s extraordinary heroism and uncommon valor that pulled them through their ordeal.

Captain Grimalkin recognized Lieutenant Daly’s heroic actions with the Starfleet Medal of Honor for distinguishing himself by his acts of gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty in action with an armed enemy. Daly was also awarded a brevet promotion to Lieutenant Commander. He graciously accepted the award from the Musashi‘s CO. When asked to give an acceptance speech he startled everyone with his announcement to resign his commission from Starfleet so he could join the SFMC. He explained his fellow crewmembers that he had been honored to serve with them, but after this ordeal, he finally felt like he had found his true calling, and that was to be a Marine. Captain Grimalkin was disappointed to lose such an outstanding Starfleet officer, but accepted Daly’s resignation and wished him luck in his future endeavors.

Daly immediately contacted Major General Blackstone, who made the arrangements for him to attend SFMC Officer Basic and Advanced Infantry Courses so he could immediately have Daly commissioned as a Second Lieutenant after graduation. Daly declined Blackstone’s generous offer, opting instead, to attend SFMC Enlisted Basic and Advanced Infantry School. Blackstone was willing to compromise and give Daly a noncommissioned officer rank. But Daly still refused, stating that he just wanted to earn his stripes just like any other Marine. The general reluctantly agreed, but only on the condition that Daly at least accepts the junior noncommissioned officer rank of Lance Corporal.

In 2354, Lance Corporal Daly attended the required SFMC schools and graduated a year later at the rank of Corporal. A couple of years later, a newly promoted Sergeant Daly finally was able to call upon Major General Blackstone to fulfill his promise, and in 2357-2359, he attended the Special Operations Basic and Advanced Courses.

Over the next decade Daly would undertake various clandestine missions on behalf of the security of the Federation. Through his tenacious devotion to duty and a knack for always beating nearly impossible odds, Daly rapidly rose to the senior NCO rank of Gunnery Sergeant.

Daly’s rapid rise in rank and the command of utterly loyal Marines are reflected in the numerous awards and commendations he has garnered throughout his career to include the Starfleet Medal of Honor, Starfleet Medal of Valor, Starfleet Command Decoration for Gallantry, Legion of Honor, and numerous awards for valor and dedicated service.

Sometime in 2373, the Dominion War began. This would become a major interstellar conflict, fought from 2373 to 2375. This war would involve all major powers of both the Alpha and the Gamma Quadrants, organized into two opposing military factions: the Federation Alliance and the Dominion. This lamentable conflict would become marked by massive military and civilian casualties, and the mobilization of starship fleets on a massive scale, becoming one of the bloodiest and most destructive wars in modern galactic history.

Following his involvement in the Battle of Ajilon Prime, a skirmish between the forces of the United Federation of Planets and those of the Klingon Empire, Gunnery Sergeant Daly was captured by a Jem’Hadar patrol while conducting a secret reconnaissance mission in the Gamma Quadrant. He was imprisoned in Internment Camp 259, a Dominion prisoner facility, located on an asteroid orbiting a forest moon. Those who were brought here were expected to spend the remainder of their lives. There, the prisoners were forced to fight the Jem’Hadar in brutal single hand-to-hand bouts, as the Jem’Hadar used this as an opportunity to train for their inevitable invasion of the Alpha Quadrant.

When he arrived, Daly made the acquaintance of several Starfleet and Klingon personnel. Daly witnessed first-hand the brutality that was inflicted on the Jem’Hadar’s prisoners on a daily basis. Not being able to bear seeing someone being beaten to death, Daly intervened numerous times. He was beaten severely for his transgressions, but not before wounding several Jem’Hadar warriors, before being mercifully beaten into unconsciousness. The Gunnery Sergeant would also be tortured horribly for information by his captors. Through their cruel ministrations the nerve endings in his face were permanently damaged. Attempting to escape numerous times, he would eventually be recaptured and beaten ruthlessly.

In mid-2373, Daly was later joined by his old friend, Master Gunnery Sergeant Douglas Warner and Gunnery Sergeant Hiro Odiaka.  Warner had willingly volunteered to undertake a daring rescue mission to save his oldest friend from his grim fate. The Master Gunnery Sergeant was also made to fight against the Jem’Hadar in daily combat, and Daly served as his coach and supporter. Together, Daly’s and Warner’s actions in fighting the Jem’Hadar kept the Dominion soldiers occupied long enough for Odiaka to complete modifications to a secret transmitter that transmitted their coordinates to a nearby runabout that contained two squads of elite Starfleet Recon Marines. Secretly beaming into the prison facility, the Recon Marines launched a daring raid against the Jem’Hadar. They willingly sacrificed themselves so that the prisoners could be beamed out to the awaiting runabout and make good their escape. Daly would never forget the valiant sacrifice of these brave Marines.

When Starfleet medical personnel offered to treat Daly for his wounds after his liberation, he refused treatment. He would wear his scars as a painful reminder of his failure to save the lives of the men who served under his command as well as those who had sacrificed so much to help him escape his tormentors. Though Daly’s physical wounds eventually healed, the psychological ones he suffered at the hands of his Jem’Hadar captors have yet to heal.

After recovering from his physical wounds Gunnery Sergeant Daly went on to continue to take the fight against the Dominion, and took part many of the major engagements towards the end of the war in 2375, included: the Battle of Riktor Prime, the Second Battle of Chin’toka, the Battle of Draconia and the Invasion of Cardassia.

In recognition for his bravery, sacrifice, and heroic actions in the Dominion War the new Commandant of the Starfleet Marine Corps, General John Blackstone, saw fit to meritoriously promote Gunnery Sergeant Daly to the rank of Sergeant Major. He was then offered any duty assignment that he desired.  Sergeant Major Daly took up a post at the SFMC (Special Operations Division Training Command) for the next few years to help train the next generation of incoming recruits to replace the major losses the Corps suffered during the Dominion War. He also wanted to take the time to get away and decompress from the horrors of war.

In 2378, the U.S.S. Voyager, which had gone missing seven years earlier, finally returned to Federation space from the mysterious Delta Quadrant. This largely unexplored region of space enticed the spirit of exploration of Starfleet Command. Therefore, it was decided that the commission of the construction of a new class of vessel would take place. They opted to utilize a design that had been put on the shelves due to the outbreak of the Dominion War – the Excalibur class.

In 2380, the Excalibur class vessel U.S.S. Taliesin (NCC-84715), which had been designed for long-term deep-space exploration, was constructed and commissioned. The Taliesin was then assigned the daunting task of exploring the vast region known as the Delta Quadrant. Hearing of the newly commissioned vessel, Sergeant Major Daly decided to call in a few favors owed to him from Starfleet, and managed to get an assignment aboard the U.S.S. Taliesin.

On his last mission aboard the U.S.S. Taliesin, Daly’s ship was attacked by a Breen warship that had appeared to be cast adrift in space. Not able to raise shields in time the Excalibur class vessel was mortally damaged and made an emergency crash landing on a remote planet designated by Starfleet as SD234.

Nearly half the Taliesin crew died in the crash landing. The remaining survivors had to fight for their very lives against the harsh elements, lack of medicine and malfunctioning weapons and scanners. Miraculously they managed to thrive under these harsh conditions.

Unfortunately, what little luck they had was soon to run out in the form of a new threat – the Breen. Unknown to the Taliesin survivors their wrecked ship rested above a tunnel complex which housed an ancient alien artifact known as an Iconian Gateway. If the Breen got their menacing hands on it they would be nigh unstoppable. They would be able to send thousands of troops anywhere in the galaxy at will, bringing their enemies to their knees. The balance of power within the quadrant would shift in their favor.

Led by Captain Jennings, the CO of the Taliesin, a small strike team launched a daring raid into the tunnel complex to locate and destroy the gateway. Donovan Daly was one of the brave souls who volunteered for this ‘suicide’ mission. Despite the risks, he helped recon ahead of the assault squad, and with the help of First Lieutenant Boyarski, would take out several Breen sentries.

Locating the gateway the small strike force rigged the alien artifact with explosives and prepared to sell their lives dearly to the encroaching Breen, ensuring that the bomb exploded successfully. Realizing there was one chance of escape, Captain Jennings ordered everyone to focus their minds on a single point of origin familiar to everyone in the squad – The Starfleet Academy Auditorium. As the seconds ticked down the strike force escaped through the gateway, appearing a few seconds later right in the middle of a commencement ceremony for a new class of graduating Starfleet cadets.

Donovan Daly was recognized by Starfleet and the Starfleet Marine Corps for his valorous actions and was hereby promoted to the rank of Command Sergeant Major and was awarded the Taliesin Memorial Award, the Starfleet Commendation Medal, and the Combat Action Medal for his actions on SD234.

After the disaster on SD234, Daly opted to return to his former post at the SFMC Special Operations Training Division. His nerves were still raw from agony and death he witnessed on that far flung planet. But after instructing Marine recruits for a couple of years, the memories of SD234 began to fade, and soon the senior NCO began to ‘get the itch’ to get back in the game, which meant he needed get assigned to another starship.

Daly manages to get reassigned as the Marine Detachment Senior NCO to the newly commissioned U.S.S. Odin, an Odin Class Starship (the first of her class) which was a part of Independent Squadron, Task Force 11, Sierra Fleet. Later that year, Daly was promoted to the rank of Command Sergeant Major of the Fleet, effectively making him the Senior NCO of the Starfleet Marines, 11th Fleet.

In late 2382, due to some major restructuring of various Starfleet commands, Theta Fleet merged with Starfleet Central Command. This left several positions vacant. CSM Daly was (reluctantly) promoted to the rank of Warrant Officer, based on several recommendations of senior Starfleet Marine Corps command officers. Daly’s promotion was given in recognition of his outstanding job performance and longstanding honorable service rendered on behalf of Starfleet.

A year later, the USS Odin was once again reassigned by Starfleet, becoming a part of Bravofleet, Task Force 86, Task Group Trident. They were reassigned to patrol the Gamma Quadrant. The Odin class starship underwent a retrofit and was upgraded to the Kelvin class refit. Shortly after the refit was completed the newly designated USS Odin-A was successfully launched.

Sometime during 2383, the Odin undertook a clandestine mission on behalf of Starfleet. ***MISSION HIGHLY CLASSIFIED BY ORDER OF STARFLEET INTELLIGENCE***  Shortly after the conclusion of this mysterious mission, Daly resigned his Warrant Officer rank and opted to be reduced back to the enlisted rank of Sergeant Major. He looked for another assignment right away and was quickly reassigned to Task Force 38 aboard a newly commissioned Excalibur Class starship – the U.S.S. Odin-B. Daly would serve aboard the Odin for the next year.

In early 2384, Daly was reassigned to Task Force 17 – Starfleet’s Primary Exploration and Research Operations group (S.P.E.A.R. Ops). He would be posted aboard the U.S.S. Sizemore under the command of Commodore Brad Huddle, serving as the new Marine Detachment Senior NCO. Daly served in this position until around 2386, when heard of the construction of the U.S.S. Odin-C. This starship was to be commanded by Daly’s former Starfleet Commanding Officer, Captain James Frost. Using his influence within Starfleet, Daly pulled some strings and managed to get reassigned aboard the newly commissioned vessel, where he served for the following year.

In 2387, Sergeant Major Daly was once again reassigned to SFMC Special Operations Command, Training Division, where he has been serving for the last two years. Currently, Daly is awaiting another assignment to another Starfleet vessel.

Physical Description

Sergeant Major Daly has tan colored skin, which appears weathered from too many years spent in the harshest of elements, has short high-and-tight haircut, and has dark grey piecing eyes. Possesses a wiry, medium muscular frame due to intensive regular exercise in the human martial art Anbo-jytsu, as well as numerous other forms of unarmed combat and meditation, to include the Klingon martial art Mok’bara

His body is a testament of pain and suffering through years of combat. Most of his body is covered with various scars and burns from numerous wounds he received in battle, and from torture while he was interred as a prisoner of war.

Daly has also had major reconstruction surgery done to his left side of his face; ocular bone, cheek, and part of his jaw and some of his teeth have all been replaced, a result of the severe beatings he took from Jem’Hadar captors while interred at a one of their penal asteroids during the Dominion War. This punishment was meted out to Daly for his constant resistance to authority and for his numerous escape attempts.

The Jem’Hadar treated Daly’s wounds so he could heal just enough, only to be beaten again. Due to the severity of his injuries and his captor’s shoddy medical treatment, Daly was left with horrible scars on his face. A line of scars run from above his left eye, down his cheek, and along his jawline and chin.

He has also had his left arm replaced from the forearm down when it was severed by a Klingon bat’leth, a memento from the vicious fighting on Ajilon Prime during the Second Federation-Klingon War.

Daly always possesses a stern look, compliments of the torture inflicted upon him at the hands of his Jem’Hadar captors. His nerve endings in his face were permanently damaged, resulting in his perpetual scowl.

 General Overview

Daly is a stern and taciturn leader. Though he seems quite sullen, he cares for the lives of his Marines very deeply, but he ensures that his personal feelings do not get in the way of his command duties. He is a strict disciplinarian and a stern task master when it comes to training. Daly expects the best from the men and women whom serve under him.

SGM Daly also holds his Marines to the highest standards. He does not tolerate arrogance, and will mete out punishment to those who display any type of disreputable behavior. Though he is very tough on his Marines, he also quite fair when recommending both rewards and punishment.

Daly firmly believes in the adage of leading by example. He is not afraid to lead the men and women under his command into a combat situation. Nor does he feel that he is better than the lower enlisted who serve under him, as he often performs daily calisthenics, battle drills, and marksmanship training whenever his duties permit. Because of the strong esprit de corps that he builds in his units, Daly commands the respect of utterly loyal Marines.

 Strength & Weaknesses

Despite his many positive attributes, Daly still suffers from his experiences as a prisoner of war during the Dominion War. Physically, most of his wounds have healed, but the psychological ones he suffered at the hands of his Jem’Hadar captors still torment him.

Daly shows the classic signs and symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder. At times he can be irritable and have a very short fuse. He has been known to get into verbal as well as physical altercations if he feels threatened or taunted. Daly does not like to be touched without his permission. He is constantly hyper-vigilant, always staying aware of his surroundings, looking for any kind of threat to his person.  Because of this paranoia, he has a tendency to carry a number of bladed weapons secreted about his person. He even sleeps with a weapon under his pillow, just in case.

Spoken Languages

Standard English, Klingon, and some Cardassian.

Education and Training

*2345-2349: Starfleet Academy – Specializes in Security.

*2354-2355: Starfleet Marine Corps Enlisted Basic and Advanced Courses.

*2357-2359: Starfleet Marine Corps Special Operations Basic and Advanced Courses.

*2359-2360: Record Classified – Attends various clandestine and specialist training courses, including sniper and explosives training, survival, escape and evasion and long-range reconnaissance.

*2361: Starfleet Marine Corps Noncommissioned Officer Development Course

*2363: Starfleet Marine Corps Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course

*2366: Starfleet Marine Corps Advanced Noncommissioned Officer Course

*2377: Starfleet Marine Corps Sergeants Major Course


Starfleet Academy

* 2345-2349:Attends Starfleet Academy, specializing in Security.

* 2345: Academy | Cadet | 1st Year

* 2346: Starfleet Academy | Cadet | 2nd Year

* 2347: Starfleet Academy | Cadet | 3th Year

* 2348: USS Olympia| Cadet | 4th Year


* 2349-2351: Promoted to Ensign and posted to the USS Musashi (NCC-14755) in Security, during the Federation-Tzenkethi War.

* 2351: Then-Lieutenant Daly leads a security team and a squad of Starfleet Marines on an away mission to a Federation colony located within Tzenkethi controlled space. He is awarded the Starfleet Medal of Honor and is given a brevet promotion to Lieutenant Commander.


* 2352: Daly resigns his Starfleet Commission and enlists as a Lance Corporal in the Starfleet Marine Corps.

*2352-2354: Granted temporary assignment as personal attaché Starfleet Marine Corps Special Operations Commandant.

* 2354-2355: Attends Starfleet Marine Corps Enlisted Basic and Advanced Combat Infantry.

* 2355: Promoted to Corporal upon graduation.

* 2356-2359: Attends Starfleet Marine Corps Special Operations Basic and Advanced Courses.

* 2361: Promoted to Sergeant.

* 2364: Promoted to Staff Sergeant.

* 2369: Promoted to Gunnery Sergeant.

* 2360-2370: Performs various clandestine operations and missions on behalf of the Federation.

* 2370: Gunnery Sergeant Daly is assigned to the USS Farragut (NCC-60597).

* 2372-2373: Second Federation-Klingon War begins.

* 2373: While attempting to come to the aid of colonists on Ajilon Prime the U.S.S. Farragut is attacked by the Klingons. Gunnery Sergeant Daly and a small contingent of Recon Marines and Starfleet personnel manage to escape the doomed ship. Daly and the small group of survivors from the U.S.S. Farragut arrive safely at Ajilon Prime and become involved in some of the most vicious engagements during the counter-offensive against the Klingons. During one of these ensuing battles Daly has his left arm severed from the forearm down by a Klingon bat’leth. He later has it replaced with a bionic one.

* Late 2370’s: The Dominion War, an interstellar conflict between the Dominion and the Federation Alliance consumes the entire Alpha Quadrant in one of the most destructive wars in galactic history.

* 2373: After the battle on Ajilon Prime, Internment Camp 259 (a Dominion prisoner facility, located on an asteroid orbiting a forest moon) became the temporary residence of Gunnery Sergeant Daly after he was captured by a Jem’Hadar patrol while conducting a secret reconnaissance mission in the Gamma Quadrant.

* Mid-2373: Daly was later joined by his old friend, Master Gunnery Sergeant Douglas Warner and Gunnery Sergeant Hiro Odiaka. They manage to escape shortly thereafter when Odiaka builds a secret transmitter that sends their coordinates to a nearby runabout which contained two squads of elite Starfleet Recon Marines. Secretly beaming into the prison facility, the Recon Marines launched a daring raid against the Jem’Hadar. They willingly sacrificed themselves so that the prisoners could be beamed out to the awaiting runabout and make good their escape. After recovering from his physical wounds Gunnery Sergeant Daly went on to continue the fight against the Dominion, and took part in many of the major engagements towards the end of the war in 2375.

* Late 2375: In recognition of his sacrifice and heroic actions in the Dominion War, the Commandant of the Starfleet Marine Corps meritoriously promotes Gunnery Sergeant Daly to the rank of Sergeant Major. Daly is then offered any duty assignment that he so desires.

* 2380: Designed for long term deep-space exploration the U.S.S. Taliesin (NCC-84715) an Excalibur Class vessel was built and then assigned the daunting task of exploring the vast sector of space known as the Delta Quadrant. Hearing of the newly commissioned ship, SGM Daly decides to call in a few favors owed to him from Starfleet and manages to get assigned a posting aboard the U.S.S. Taliesin.

* Late 2380: The U.S.S. Taliesin was attacked by a Breen warship that had appeared to be cast adrift in space. Not able to raise shields in time the Excalibur Class vessel was mortally damaged and was forced to make an emergency crash landing on a remote planet designated by Starfleet as SD234. Nearly half the crew died in the resulting crash. Daly is recognized by Starfleet and the Starfleet Marine Corps for his valorous actions and is awarded the Taliesin Memorial Award, the Starfleet Commendation Medal, and the Combat Action Medal for his actions on SD234. ***CLASSIFIED-RECORDS SEALED BY ORDER OF STARFLEET INTELLIGENCE***

* 2381-Early 2382: Wanting to ‘decompress’ after the horrors that he endured on SD234, Daly opts to go back to being an instructor at the Starfleet Marine Corps Special Operations Command, Training Division.

* 2382:Reassigned as the Marine Detachment Senior NCO to the newly commissioned U.S.S. Odin, an Odin Class Starship (the first of her class) Independent Squadron, Task Force 11 in Sierra Fleet.

* Mid 2382: Promoted to the rank of Command Sergeant Major of the Fleet, made Senior NCO of the Starfleet Marines, 11th Fleet.

* Late 2382: Due to some major restructuring, Theta Fleet merges with Starfleet Central Command. This leaves several positions vacant. CSM Daly is commissioned to the rank of Chief Warrant Officer based on several recommendations due to his job performance and his station, effective immediately.

* Early 2383: The newly constructed Excalibur class starship, the U.S.S. Odin-B, is once again reassigned by Starfleet, becoming a part of Bravofleet-Task Force 86, Task Group Trident. They are reassigned to patrol the Gamma Quadrant. WO Daly is promoted to Chief Warrant Officer.

* Sometime during 2383: The Odin undertakes a clandestine mission on behalf of Starfleet. ***MISSION CLASSIFIED BY ORDER OF STARFLEET INTELLIGENCE*** After this mysterious mission, Daly resigns his Warrant Officer rank and is reduced back to the enlisted rank of Sergeant Major.

* 2384-Early 2386: Reassigned to Task Force 17-Starfleet’s Primary Exploration and Research Operations group (S.P.E.A.R. Ops). Assigned as the new Marine Detachment NCO aboard the U.S.S. Sizemore under the command of Commodore Brad Huddle.

* 2386-2387: Decides to resign when he hears of the new U.S.S. Odin-C being commissioned by Starfleet under his former CO, Captain James Frost. Uses his influence with Starfleet Marine Corps HQ, and gets reassigned.

*2387-2389: Reassigned to Starfleet Marine Corps Special Operations Command, Training Division. Currently awaiting reassignment to another starship.



*Prisoner of War Medal

*Purple Heart Medal


*Battle of Ajilon Prime – Federation-Klingon War (2372-2373)

*The Battle of Riktor Prime – Dominion War (2375)

* Second Battle of Chin’toka – Dominion War (Late-2375)

* Battle of Draconia – Dominion War (2375)

*Invasion of Cardassia – Dominion War (Late-2375)


*Dedication Citation: 2 Years

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2348 - 2349 Security Officer U.S.S. Olympia
2349 - 2351 Security Officer U.S.S. Musashi (NCC-14755)
2351 - 2352 Security Officer U.S.S. Musashi (NCC-14755)
2352 Assistant Chief Security U.S.S. Musashi (NCC-14755)
2352 - 2354 Enlisted Special Attaché Starfleet Marine Corps Special Operations Command Headquarters
2354 Enlisted Trainee Starfleet Marine Corps Basic Combat Infantry School (Enlisted)
2354 - 2355 Enlisted Trainee Starfleet Marine Corps Advanced Combat Infantry School (Enlisted)
2356 - 2359 Special Operations Candidate Starfleet Marine Corps Special Operations Basic & Advanced Courses
2359 - 2361 Assistant Team Leader Classified
2361 - 2364 Team Leader Classified
2364 - 2369 Team Leader Classified
2369 - 2370 Platoon Sergeant Classified
2370 - 2373 Marine Detachment Senior Training Noncommissioned Officer U.S.S. Faragut (NCC-60597)
2375 - 2380 Training Battalion Senior Noncommissioned Officer Starfleet Marine Corps Special Operations Command, Training Division
2380 - 2381 Marine Detachment Senior Noncommissioned Officer U.S.S. Taliesin (NCC-84715)
2381 - 2382 Training Battalion Senior Noncommissioned Officer Starfleet Marine Corps Special Operations Command, Training Division
2382 - 2383 Senior Noncommissioned Officer of the Task Force U.S.S. Odin, Independent Squadron, Task Force 11, Sierra Fleet
2383 Marine Detachment Senior Noncommissioned Officer U.S.S. Odin-A, Bravofleet, Task Force 86, Task Group Trident (Gamma Quadrant)
2383 Senior Noncommissioned Officer of the Fleet Task Force 11, Sierra Fleet
2383 Tactical Officer U.S.S. Odin-A, Bravofleet, Task Force 86, Task Group Trident (Gamma Quadrant)
2383 - 2384 Marine Detachment Senior Noncommissioned Officer U.S.S. Odin-B, Bravofleet, Task Force 38
2384 - 2386 Marine Detachment Senior Noncommissioned Officer U.S.S. Sizemore, Task Force 17, S.P.E.A.R. Ops
2386 - 2387 Detachment Senior Noncommissioned Officer U.S.S. Odin-C, Task Force 17, S.P.E.A.R. Ops
2387 - 2388 Training Battalion Senior Noncommissioned Officer Starfleet Marine Corps Command, Training Division
2388 - 2389 3rd Marine Raider Battalion Sergeant Major U.S.S. Hawaii