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Profile Overview

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Evan Brooks

Human Cisgender Man


Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Commander Brooks


Chief Medical Officer
USS Endurance


Evan Tyler Brooks

January 18, 2366

USS Cairo NCC-42136


Evan Brooks has lived on starships and starbases almost his entire life. The son of Starfleet Officers, his childhood was a constant journey, as his parents were shuffled from one assignment to the next. This itinerant lifestyle has affected his relationships, and he finds it difficult to develop meaningful lifelong connections with people. Evan’s compassion, and ability to remain calm under great pressure make him well-suited to a career in medicine and his new role as Chief Medical Officer of the USS Endurance.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2384 - 2385 Pre-Med Student Starfleet Academy
Cadet Freshman Grade
2385 - 2386 Pre-Med Student Starfleet Academy
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2386 - 2387 Pre-Med Student Starfleet Academy
Cadet Junior Grade
2387 - 2388 Pre-Med Student Starfleet Academy
Cadet Senior Grade
2388 - 2392 Medical Student Starfleet Medical Academy
2392 - 2394 Physician USS Gemini NCC-74603
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2394 - 2397 Assistant Chief Medical Officer USS Gemini NCC-74603
2397 - 2399 Assistant Chief Medical Officer USS Cygnus NCC-71954
2399 - 2401 Staff Physician Starbase Bravo
Lieutenant Commander
2402 - Present Chief Medical Officer USS Endurance NCC-79322
Lieutenant Commander