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Profile Overview

Haniko Takahashi

Human Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Junior Grade Takahashi


Chief Science Officer on the USS Excalibur. Takahashi hails from Earth and is originally from Hokkaido, Japan. After getting exiled from her family, she joined Star Fleet. Takahashi is analytical and enjoys solving problems. She is physically brave and athletic. Takahashi is also introverted and shy. She can be apprehensive when working with people.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2376 - 2377 Recruit Enlisted Academy - Initial Training
2377 - 2380 Infantryman USS Saipan - Combat Patrols near the Triangle
2380 - 2383 Cadet Star Fleet Academy
2383 - 2385 Science Officer- Astro-Physics USS Ohm - Exploration
2385 - 2388 Science Officer -Astro-Physics USS Archimedes - Exploration
2388 - Present Chief Science Officer USS Excalibur