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Profile Overview

Ramius Vornar

Farian man

Character Information

Rank & Address

Commander Vornar



Ramius Vornar


Farius Prime


March 25, 2401

Izar System


Commander Ramius Vornar is the commanding officer of the USS Independence, the Defiant-class escort based out of Gateway Station and designated patrol ship for the Midgard Sector. Vornar was one of the officers replaced by a Changeling infiltrator until the uncovering of the conspiracy in early-2401, and for several months was presumed dead until he and other surviving abductees were found. After extensive therapies, Commander Vornar has returned to service, albeit in a less front line position, and very much with the support and influence of his once-CO, Fleet Captain Jericho, commanding officer of Gateway Station.

A native of the politically neutral planet Farius, a hotbed of Orion Syndicate activity, Vornar beat the odds in joining Starfleet and spent his early career working for Starfleet Intelligence. He moved only to starship operations when handpicked by Captain Jericho to serve as first officer on the USS Triumph, bringing his security experience to border protection missions. From Gateway Station, Vornar brings this expertise to the Midgard Sector, facing off against both local pirates and the increasing hostility of local Klingon Houses.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2379 - 2381 Tactical Relief Officer USS Monitor
2381 - 2383 Intelligence Officer Starfleet Intelligence
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2383 - 2387 Intelligence Officer Starfleet Intelligence
2387 - 2390 Chief Intelligence Officer Starbase 97
Lieutenant Commander
2390 - 2394 Executive Officer USS Triumph
Lieutenant Commander
2394 - 2398 Executive Officer USS Triumph
2398 - 2400 Commanding Officer USS Independence
2400 - 2401 Changeling Abductee Location Unknown
2401 - Present Commanding Officer USS Independence