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Profile Overview

Olivia Quinn

Human Woman

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Quinn


Chief Science Officer
USS Tempest


Olivia Quinn


Los Angeles, Earth


Lieutenant Olivia Quinn is the Chief Science Officer of the USS Tempest. A xeno-geologist by qualification, she has proven herself the archetypical omni-disciplinary Starfleet scientist over her career. Despite being inclined towards shyness and social insecurity, Quinn is far from the lofty, academic researcher in her professional mentality. Her experience is highly practical, with long service on front-line vessels where operational security often took priority over scientific study. Quinn views it as her responsibility to assess a playing field and arm her superiors with knowledge, rather than identify and investigate pockets of scientific curiosity. This makes her an excellent choice as science officer for the Tempest, a fast scout conducting reconnaissance missions on behalf of a rapid response squadron.