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Profile Overview

Ellis Gordon

Human Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Commander Gordon


In 2387, Ellis learned of a revenge plot by the pirate group, Black Dragons. An attempt was made on his life resulting in the death of his wife. Starfleet decided to send him to the Delta Quadrant. He was posted to Persephone colony to monitor relations and stay out of trouble. In 2388, he requested duties on a starship.


Ellis Mark Gordon was born January 31, 2338 to Alice and Carman Gordon on the USS Johnson in orbit of Rigel VI. Carman Gordon was starting a trading expedition and trying to purchase his first space vessel. Alice was his trusting wife and bookkeeper.

Ellis started his life experiences on the rocky shores of various planets his parents visited making a meager living as traders. He seemed to get into any trouble that he could. Then his brother, Charles came along three years later. It wasn’t long before his parents had to settle down and make a better living.

In 2349, his parents landed on Mars and Carman Gordon started work at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards as a welder. Alice stayed home to tend to the kids and his new sister, Lisa. Ellis continued grade school finding interesting ways to outfox bullies.

In 2355, Ellis graduated Western High School on Mars. By this time, his younger brother William and the youngest sister, Steffany were taking most of the attention of his mother.

Ellis had an affinity for science or technical disciplines. He was an average swimmer on the school swim team and voted as “Most likely to Marry a Cheerleader” in the school yearbook. Ellis had a girlfriend for a short time but they parted ways after graduation.

In late 2355, Ellis started at the Martian Technical Institute in the Engineering program. However, engineering wasn’t exciting to him and he changed majors to mathematics in 2356. He attended several meetings with his dad on Utopia Planitia in an attempt to stir interest in welding. He met an intelligence officer, Lt John Marshall and they became friends. In 2357, Ellis changed his major to psychology. He graduated with a BA degree in 2359.

Ellis enrolled at Starfleet Academy in 2360 against his father’s wishes. At Lt John Marshall’s recommendation, he applied and was accepted into the Intelligence program. He worked hard to learn intelligence techniques in collecting information, interrogation, covert operations, and sabotage. Ellis wrote intelligence reports and analyzed data. Field work was the most challenging to him. Ellis graduated from Starfleet Academy in 2364.

Ellis was posted at a remote listening post on the edge of Breen territory. Monitoring pirate and smuggler activities involving Orions and other species was a dull job but necessary. In 2374, the listening post was destroyed by pirates. Ellis was captured and tortured repeatedly resulting in scars on his back, legs and upper arms.

In 2375, Ellis managed to escape from the pirates and returned to Earth as the Dominion War escalates. After healing from his wounds, Ellis is placed on the USS Winston as intelligence officer and served there until the Dominion War ended. Much of his reporting activities are classified. During the Dominion War, his parents, brothers, and sisters are killed when their transport vessel came under attack and destroyed.

In 2379, Ellis is posted to the USS Lincoln to monitor pirate activities in the sector. As an intelligence operative, he went undercover on several occasions to collect information. At one point, he is unable to prevent the death of a female Starfleet officer after pirates (i.e. Black Dragons) kidnap her. Ellis broke regulations leading to the death of several pirates. He was removed from his assignment and faced charges on Earth for his actions (insubordination). He pleaded his case before three Admirals and lost his rank. Ellis was placed on probation in a data analysis unit under strict controls. He met a fellow intelligence officer, Toni Waters. They fell in love and married.

In 2387, Ellis learned of a revenge plot by the pirate group, Black Dragons. An attempt was made on his life resulting in the death of his wife. Starfleet decided to send him to the Delta Quadrant. He was posted to Persephone colony to monitor relations and stay out of trouble. In 2388, he requested duties on a starship.

2360 – 2364 Starfleet Academy – Intelligence and Information Analysis.
2364 – 2374 Listening Post Breen Border – Information Collection and Analysis.
2374 Listening Post attacked – Captured by pirates. Escaped in 2375.
2375 – 2379 USS Winston – Intelligence Officer.
2379 – 2380 USS Lincoln – Intelligence Operative – Black Dragons Infiltration.
2380 Demoted for insubordination. Probation in data analysis unit.
2380 – 2387 Intelligence Headquarters Earth – Information Analysis.
2387 – 2388 Persephone Colony, Delta Quadrant – Information Analysis.
2388 Requested starship duties.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2388 Chief Intelligence Officer USS Saturn