A gruff and daur but affectionate towards Cadets under his command, Kohlir glasch Pef is Captain of the U.S.S Brontes. A position he has held for several years now and is proud of the crew he serves with and the dedication they have towards Starfleet’s ideals and goals.
Of average height for a Tellarite, Kohlir stands out more for his hair colour than for his stature. His hair is a deep red, framing his deep green eyes in such a way that his eyes seem to reflect fire light in them. He has a short, well groomed goatee that is a shade darker than the rest of his hair and a small pair of tusks jutting upwards, the colour of polished ivory
Kohlir loves a good arguement as much as the next Tellarite but he has learned when it’s a good time to argue and when it’s best not to. For a few years now, Kohlir has been serving alongside a large number of Cadets, many of which have little experience with Tellarites, this has mellowed Kohlir somewhat and tempered his argumentative side as he knows many Cadets and junior officers aren’t always prepared for a full blown Tellarite argument.
Kohlir is also aware that he is viewed as something of a father figure to several of the final year Cadets, most surprisingly a young Andorian cadet.
Kohlir glasch Pef, born on Tellar Prime but spend very little of his childhood there, instead Kohlir spent most of his time studying on Denobula with a view to joining the Starfleet medical corp.
After graduating from the academy, Kohlir joined the exploration arm of Starfleet to meet new species but sadly the outbreak of the Dominion war stopped this. The Norway class that Kohlir was serving aboard was not directly involved in combat but was part of the humanitarian effort to help injured civilians left displaced by the ongoing fighting, it was during this time that the Norway class was attacked by a small group of Dominion ships, having managed to get around the Federation picket ships, attacked. The humanitarian task force was hit hard, their shields down as they transported personelle and supplies to and from the surface. 2 of the vessels were destroyed in orbit, their burning shells dragged into the planet. The Norway class Kohlir was serving on was the furthest away and managed to raise shields but not before a volley of torpedoes struck the hull, killing or injuring most of the senior bridge crew. Kohlir rushed to the bridge even though he was Chief Medical officer aboard, quickly taking command, he ordered the ship to return fire, knowing that if they left now, all those civilians still on the surface would be captured or worse. This decision saved thousands of lives as the Dominion ships retreated back after the arrival of Starfleet reinforcements. It was this encounter that made Kohlir realise that he could help even more in a Command role than as a Doctor.
Kohlir requested a transfer to Command, which was granted due to his quick thinking in the Dominion attack, and was given command of the USS Brontes, stationed in the Melstoxx system. At first Kohlir was unhappy with this but began to realise his experience as both a Captain and as a Doctor, he could help shape the future of Starfleet captains to come
Service Record
Date | Position | Posting | Rank |
Cadet | Medical |
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Science | Excelsior class |
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Chief Medical officer | Norway class |
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2375 - Present | Captain | USS Brontes |
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