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Profile Overview

Kate O'Neill

Human Female

Character Information




Kate O'Neill

February 6, 2371

Waynesburg, Pennsylvania


Kate is a security officer.


Hair – Dark red hair with soft blonde highlights that sits just below my shoulder blades when down. When concentrating or stressed and her hair is down she will pull it back into a ponytail.

Eye color – Deep blue with gold flecks around the pupils

Body Features – Fair skinned but tan easily in the sun. She is slim with a muscular build like a runner. She no tattoos. In general, people comment that she has the “girl next door look” which due to her size gives her an advantage during hand to hand combat. She wears minimal makeup


______________________________________ MEDICAL INFORMATION:

She is completely healthy with no allergies. Kate has never had a major hospitalization or illnesses.

She does, however, have chronic shoulder instability on her right side. Chronic Shoulder Instability (CSI) occurs when the head of the upper arm bone is forced out of the shoulder socket. This can happen as a result of a sudden injury or from overuse.Once a shoulder has dislocated, it is vulnerable to repeat episodes. When the shoulder is loose and slips out of place repeatedly, it is called chronic shoulder instability. Because it happens often, Kate will try to relocate it on her own instead of seeking medical help. She also tends to lead all fighting with her left even though she is right-handed. This has often helped her surprise opponents in combat because they expect her right side to be stronger since it is her dominate side for daily tasks.

Summary of Medical Injuries:

2374 – Dislocated shoulder roughhousing with her brothers

2377 – Concussion from falling off a horse

2381 – Dislocated Shoulder while doing gymnastics

2385 – Dislocated Shoulder while rock climbing

2388 – Dislocated shoulder during sparing practice

2392- Dislocated shoulder during senior security exam

______________________________________ PSYCHOLOGICAL INFORMATION:

Kate has Basiphobia which is the fear of falling from extreme heights. It differs from the typical fear of heights because people who have this are not afraid to go up but may have some difficulty descending high places. Kate is not afraid of typical heights up to ten feet that higher than that she has told others to “just shove me. I won’t hold a grudge.” This does not affect her job performance because few times is she dangling from ten feet or more on a mission. Her fear is much more commonly expressed in off-duty activities such as holodeck programs.

______________________________________ PERSONAL INFORMATION:


Jim O’Neill Father CO USS Ticonderoga (Retired) Co-Owner of Malt Masters Whiskey Brewery
Lauren O’Neill Mother Housewife
David O’Neill Brother (older) USS Intrepid Engineer
Ryan O’Neill Brother (older) USS Meade Doctor
William O’Neill Brother (older) USS Shangra La Counselor
Dawson O’Neill Brother (older) Utopia Plantia Security
Jebidiah Murphy Uncle Ticonderoga/ Malt Masters Whiskey Brewery Property Manager/ Chief Tasting Manager

Marital Status

Currently engaged to Lieutenant (JG) Shaun Grecken


Kate’s father was career star fleet and her mother was a housewife. While she was born on Earth, she spent the first part of her childhood growing up on the U.S.S. Ticonderoga. When she was six, the ship was destroyed during an experimental refit of a new engine design. While there was catastrophic losses, Kate and her family survived the explosion. After the event, her mother demanded Jim take a job teaching at the Academy to finish his career. The family settled in their hometown of Waynesburg when Kate was six.

A career teach at the Academy was not something Jim liked so after a conversation with his former XO, Conner Grecken, the two men decided to go into business together. Jim and Conner opened up a whiskey distillery named Malt Masters Whiskey Brewery. The business was very successful using Scottish flavors with hillbilly ingenuity. The brand was specially called Connor James. The acronym MMWB was soon born within the family where the unofficial name became ‘Men Moan Women (W)itch’ due to the men claiming to need time to refine the taste of their product when Lauren and Molly, their wives, became handfuls. Conner and Jim now spend their days making premium booze at a fraction of the cost.

Kate had a happy childhood being raised on the family farm which they name the Ticonderoga after her father’s ship. The O’Neill and Grecken families became very close due to the fact the families were mirror images of each other: The Grecken’s had four daughters and one son while the O’Neill’s had four sons and one daughter. The children were very close and the eldest children, David O’Neill and Elspeth Grecken, were married once they graduated from Starfleet Academy.

Kate applied to several universities like Penn State, Starfleet Academy and the University of Maryland. She got accepted to all of them but choose Starfleet Academy because she wanted to get out of the small town life she had spent the past twelve years living and to be with Shaun.

Her first assignment was on the USS Viking where she spent one year before receiving a promotion toChief Security Officer. She is now serving on the USS Odin as the Chief Security Officer