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Profile Overview

Antoni Stepanek

Human Cisgender Man

Character Information

Rank & Address

Chief Petty Officer Stepanek


Head of Transporter Operations
USS Susan B. Anthony


Antoni Stepanek

Stardate 2349.12 (Age 51)

London, United Kingdom, Earth


Chief Antoni Stepanek is Head of Transporter operations, i.e. the Transporter Chief, aboard the USS Susan B. Anthony. He has been in Starfleet since the 2360s, working his way up from scrubbing decks and arranging cargo crates to managing a ship’s supply stores during the Dominion War to his current role as an able, experienced transporter chief. He values professionalism, discretion, and decorum to the utmost, and is quick to correct younger enlisted members and teach them “the right way” of doing things. As old guard as they come, he’s proud to serve on such a large vessel hosting the senior leadership of the Fourth Fleet.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2368 Basic Trainee Starfleet Enlisted Training Center, Liverpool
Crewman Recruit
2368 - 2369 Operations Apprentice Starfleet Enlisted Training Center, Liverpool
Crewman Apprentice
2369 - 2370 Able Crewman USS Tangiers
2370 - 2372 Supply Technician USS Tangiers
Petty Officer Third Class
2372 - 2374 Supply Technician USS Tangiers
Petty Officer Second Class
2374 - 2375 Supply Technician USS Tangiers
Petty Officer 1st Class
2375 - 2376 Transporter Specialist Trainee Starfleet Technical Services Academy, Mars
Petty Officer 1st Class
2376 - 2380 Transporter Specialist USS Sausalito
Chief Petty Officer
2380 - 2384 Transporter Specialist USS Birmingham
Chief Petty Officer
2384 - 2390 Head of Transporter Operations USS Victory
Senior Chief Petty Officer
2390 - 2400 Head of Transporter Operations USS Alaska
Master Chief Petty Officer
2400 - Present Head of Transporter Operations USS Susan B. Anthony
Chief Petty Officer