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Profile Overview

Leticia Sanchez

Human Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Sanchez


Leticia May Sanchez



Letty was aboard the Kumari when it crossed the Romulan Neutral Zone and fired upon a Romulan vessel before stealing its cloak, all in violation of the Treaty of Nelvana and Starfleet regulations. Letty was the only officer attempting to stop the Captain’s actions, yet she was unsuccessful.

Upon return to Federation space, a Board of Inquiry was called to look into the actions of the Kumari and those of her senior officers, including Letty. Letty was the only one absolved of misconduct and she was transferred to her next assignment, the USS Excalibur, upon the Board of Inquiry’s conclusion.


Letty was born to a farmer and nurse on the west coast of North America in Los Angeles, California. Her father was very traditional and kept up the ways of farming, mostly for science and specialty foods that had trouble being replicated correctly. Her mother was a nurse and a lot of Letty’s compassion comes from her mother while Letty’s fiery side comes from her dad, although both her parents were quite feisty.

Letty was the youngest child and her siblings were often protective of her. It wasn’t a surprise that she followed her sister into Starfleet. She often oscillated between Intelligence and Security/Tactical. She was eventually selected for Intelligence as her scores and briefing skills were off the charts and her short physique did not lend itself as well on the Security/Tactical obstacle course.

After an uneventful posting, Letty was noted as a rising star for her analysis at the Nimitz Intelligence Operations Center (NIOC), focusing on Beta Quadrant Affairs.

She was assigned as a Senior Intelligence Duty Officer (SIDO) at Xavier Fleet Yards (XFY) during the Gorn Incursion in 2388. Based on being present during the attack, the entire intelligence department of XFY was blamed. Her account of seeing cloaked Klingon Birds of Prey went unheard by Starfleet.

Disgraced, she was assigned as a Security/Tactical Specialist at SFI Delphi. While there, during a freak accident where the crew relived the same day over and over, Letty had a psychotic breakdown at the hands of the team’s Psychology and Psionics Specialist, LT Karna Zsan, after she started remembering the loops.

It was decided a transfer was best for her and Letty found herself on a ship once again, this time the Kumari.

Aboard the Kumari, Letty served as the Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer, yet was often left in charge of the Intelligence Department as the Chief Intelligence Officer was also the ship’s Executive Officer (XO). Letty was aboard the Kumari when it crossed the Romulan Neutral Zone and fired upon a Romulan vessel before stealing its cloak, all in violation of the Treaty of Nelvana and Starfleet regulations. Letty was the only officer attempting to stop the Captain’s actions, yet she was unsuccessful.

Upon return to Federation space, a Board of Inquiry was called to look into the actions of the Kumari and those of her senior officers, including Letty. Letty was the only one absolved of misconduct and she was transferred to her next assignment, the USS Excalibur, upon the Board of Inquiry’s conclusion.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2378 - 2379 General Studies Cadet Starfleet Academy
2379 - 2380 Tactical/Security Cadet Starfleet Academy
2380 - 2381 Intelligence Cadet Starfleet Academy
2381 - 2382 Intelligence Cadet Starfleet Academy
2382 - 2384 Intelligence Officer USS Lafayette
2384 - 2386 Deputy Chief, Operations Intelligence-Beta Quadrant Nimitz Operational Intelligence Center
2386 - 2388 Senior Intelligence Duty Officer Xavier Fleet Yards
2388 - 2389 Tactical/Security Specialist Starfleet Intelligence-Delphi
2389 Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer USS Kumari
2383 - Present Chief Intelligence Officer USS Excalibur