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Profile Overview

Vincent Hallister

Human Male

Character Information



Growing up from a family of academics Vincent seemed to break the bookish mold that defined his parents career. He excelled in sports and out door recreation he was hoping to gain acceptance at the Starfleet Academy through the Tactical & Security track. Once his test scores were reviewed he was incredibly upset to find that he was selected for the science division.


Growing up from a family of academics Vincent seemed to break the bookish mold that defined his parents career. He excelled in sports and out door recreation he was hoping to gain acceptance at the Starfleet Academy through the Tactical & Security track. Once his test scores were reviewed he was incredibly upset to find that he was selected for the science division.  With a series of disciplinary issues due to being unhappy for following in his parents foot steps he proved to be a strong unconventional thinker and excelled in the academy. Often quick to volunteer for boarding and away teams he longs for more adventure. Any excuse that gets him out of the Science Department is an opportunity he seeks. More senior staff note that he is impulsive but when they are under a tight deadline or in crisis he excels and proves to be a capable science.