Profile Overview

Charlton Gibbs

Human Male

Character Information




Gibbs was born in 2350 on the Cestus III Federation Outpost. His father is a retired Command Sergeant Major in the Federation Marines, and was assigned to the outpost garrison when he met his wife. In 2368, Giibbs enlisted into the Federation Marines. He is currently the MSAU NCO of Starbase 400. He is a Dominion War Veteran.


Gibbs was born in 2350 on the Cestus III Federation Outpost. His father is a retired Command Sergeant Major in the Federation Marines, and was assigned to the outpost garrison when he met his wife. In 2368, Giibbs enlisted into the Federation Marines. He is currently the MSAU NCO of Starbase 400. He is a Dominion War Veteran.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2388 - 2393 MSAU NCO 1st Marine Division
2384 - 2387 NCOIC Embassy Security Detachment-Bajor
2382 - 2384 Drill Instructor Paris Island Recruitment Depot, Earth
2378 - 2382 Security Officer MSAU-6th Marine Division Starbase 911
2375 - 2378 Security Officer MSAU-Cardassia Prime Occupation Force
2373 - 2375 Security Officer MSAU 9th Division-Starbase 375
2372 - 2373 Security Officer Embassy Security Detachment-Cardassia Prime
2369 - 2371 Security Officer Embassy Security Detachment, Qo'no S
2368 Recruit Marine Security Course, Camp Catacombs, Andor
2368 Recruit Marine Recruitment Training Depot, Paris Island, Earth