
Profile Overview

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Henry Young

Human Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Commander Young


Senior Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Challenger


Henry Stephen Young

September 24, 2368

Marcos XII


Lieutenant Commander Young’s recent assignment to the U.S.S. Challenger as her new Senior Assistant Chief Medical Officer is a homecoming of sorts; he’s serving under his one-time mentor and a woman who had become like a second mother to him when they served together on the USS Galaxy. His gentle, affable, caring nature makes him ideally suited to a career in medicine, and he loves his work, getting to feel like he makes a difference in the lives of others. Henry’s new assignment follows a three-month leave of absence following his husband’s sudden death.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2386 - 2387 Pre-Med Student Starfleet Acadmy
Cadet Freshman Grade
2387 - 2388 Pre-Med Student Starfleet Academy
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2388 - 2389 Pre-Med Student Starfleet Academy
Cadet Junior Grade
2389 - 2390 Pre-Med Student Starfleet Academy
Cadet Senior Grade
2390 - 2394 Medical Student Starfleet Medical Academy
2394 - 2396 Medical Officer U.S.S. Galaxy NCC-70637
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2396 Medical Officer U.S.S. Galaxy NCC-70637
2396 - 2399 Assistant Chief Medical Officer U.S.S. Galaxy NCC-70637
2399 - 2400 Chief Medical Officer U.S.S. Galaxy NCC-70637
2400 Chief Medical Officer U.S.S. Columbia NCC-76991
Lieutenant Commander
2400 - 2401 Leave of Absence N/A
2401 - Present Senior Assistant Chief Medical Officer U.S.S. Challenger NCC-92421
Lieutenant Commander