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Profile Overview

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Rafael da Costa

Human Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant da Costa


Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Ark Royal


Rafael Santiago da Costa

June 21, 2372

Austin, Texas, Sol


Rafael da Costa is a Starfleet Officer who holds the rank of Lieutenant and serves on board the USS Challenger as her Chief Flight Control Officer. Having spent his childhood dreaming of flying starships, Rafael da Costa was disappointed when he was assigned as a shuttle pilot at Starfleet Command following his graduation from the Academy. A chance meeting with Captain Thomas Forrester provided him with the opportunity to finally realise his dream of flying a starship. He transferred with Forrester to the new Odyssey-class Challenger in December 2400.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2391 - 2392 Flight Control Cadet Starfleet Academty
Cadet Freshman Grade
2392 - 2393 Flight Control Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2393 - 2394 Flight Control Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Junior Grade
2394 - 2395 Flight Control Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Senior Grade
2395 - 2397 Shuttle Pilot Starfleet Command
2397 - 2399 VIP Shuttle Pilot Starfleet Command
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2399 - 2400 Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer U.S.S. Challenger NCC-71099
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2400 - 2401 Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer U.S.S. Challenger NCC-71099
2401 Chief Flight Control Officer U.S.S. Challenger NCC-92421
2401 - Present Chief Flight Control Officer USS Ark Royal NCC-75922