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Profile Overview

James Smith

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Smith




Smith was the youngest of three children; an older brother a decade older and a sister four years older he was also said to be the most clever of his siblings. He show an aptitude as he learned to understand speech faster than he spoke it. His understanding was spot on from an early age yet when seeming to be behind he ‘suddenly’ spoke with the age level speech patterns. His mother was a teacher and she realized his special needs and put him in a self study with friends to tutur him. Smith excelled through his studies and by the time he was through elementary graduated a grade level above his peers.

Growing up as a ‘Brain’ or a ‘geek’ meant he was picked on; his parents were pacifists and sought to put their son proper training. He studied Tai Chi for the balance of mind body and soul; to help with his focus. His parents did not realize fully that Tai Chi has aggressive potential which Smith took to. He also learned a selective balade art in the Butterfly swords, Shaolin Priests carried them to fight bandits; and mostly to maim rather than kill opponents, he became most proficient with the smaller blade and his fast speed and guilty helped.

Once in high school level he focused n his studies and came a little more out of his shell; he had made the mistake of discovering the opposite sex and that slowly his rocketing school grades. He remained in the top ten percentile of his class and had managed to graduate early. He was starting college for a computer science hoping to make a career in Star Fleet as a Computer Engineer on a star ship. One of the programs he was playing with had a hexadecimal matrix to it and caught the attention of the anti-virus sections of Counter Intel.

His official admittance to Star Fleet Academy was under the computer science cadet, where he made friends and had a normal time despite getting the top 1% in his skill set. When it came time to graduate he was sent on the USS Dynasty; a ship for the best cadets.

His first assignment was to attend further schooling under the Intel tutleage, learning the skills and gainin=g the experience needed for his clearance. The extra two years of his advancement in studies was worked in the intel section. His first official assignment was at the average age of graduating cadets.

The USS Moscow he came in as a Intel Officer; he was given the assignment as a Encryptionist, he spent most of his time collating and coding information. It was during the Moscow’s partol that it happened upon attack by Orion Pirates; or so believed, that were actually after computer information. The Chief of the Intel section was mercilessly beaten and would not devilge the ‘unique’ encryption Cipher to the computer information. The Pirates were driven off when a near by star ship of the line answered the Moscow distress. It was later noted Smith had created the cipher and implanted it at the first sign of incursion before his own capture.

The USS Bonneville he was given a Lead slot in the Intel section of a larger ship; this one specifically targeting piracy and incursions into the Romulan space and catching the vessels using Federation space to enter and escape. Smith was encrypting information as the main man for it. His duties were to gather and analyze the intel, he had been bucked up to ‘Analyst level’ and a high security clearance above his pay grade. It is during his filing away of information he noted a stream of information intercepted via a subspace relay. The information was encrypted and he took it upon himself to break it down, he only got a few reference to ‘RIF’ as some designation. He backtracked the signals and found the references were in a small area between Romulan and Federation Space from all speculation; the Chief relayed the information and the Bonneville lay wait in the area off their regular patrol pattern and sent a signal in the code about RIF being clear of commercial traffic. The response was an all clear and a small flotilla of raiders, not a match for the Capitol Class ship of the Bonneville, and they were intercepted.

The USS Barre, a small covert science ship, a modified Nova Class with upgrade, was patrolling the Inconnu Corridor in her arc as a surveyor, getting intel on the more rude class of people as Smith put it politely at the later debriefing by Starfleet tribunal. The Captain had violated orders and travelled outside of Federation borders into the Expanse. The ship was pounced upon and attacked by a small fleet of Ravagers. Though the computer Core was sealed tight as a drum, the Ravagers were working their way down the line of Computer Engineers, OPS and soon focusing with Intel. The comm system was knocked out, Smith had hidden in a shuttle to evade capture. He was discovered after managing to send an SOS to the rest of the Fleet which burnt out the shuttles array in the sheer power pushed through the dish, but it reached a subspace relay. He answered his captor’s questions with half truths under the chemicals used and physical torture. The USS Vanquish, a Sovereign class vessel only just received their distress signal and arrived on scene, managing to rescue the crew and force the Ravagers into retreat.

Smith’s cunning techniques earned the officer a promotion to Lieutenant and a position as a special field operative on Deep Space 7, deep in the Carnwennan Corridor. However, peace was short lived as the Ravagers returned, now emboldened by their successful attacks on Federation property, and armed with information gained from the USS Barre, staged an assault on the space station. Smith and the Security team were lured away under a false flag operation, and were left helpless to watch DS7’s destruction.

After being rescued and forced to take personal leave on Carnwennan Station, Smith was eventually given the green light to return to active duty. Determined to use his knowledge of the Inconnu Region and Ravager tactics to help stop their deadly attacks, Smith gained a position on the USS Pandora as Chief Intelligence Officer.