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Profile Overview

APB Richard Madden, image by Cath

Charles MacIntyre

Human Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Captain MacIntrye


Commanding Officer
USS Republic


Captain Charles “Mac” MacIntrye is a man whose career could have been best described as stalled out a few years ago. While his classmates had either outranked him or mustered out, Charles held on in Starfleet despite his lack of upward mobility. Initially disheartened by losing out on command of the starship Atlantis when the previous commander resigned, Charles ultimately decided to take the message the universe was sending him, enrolling in numerous command-level courses to reinvigorate his career.

Under the tutelage of then Captain Theodoras, Mac dug himself out of the day-to-day rut he’d fallen into and proved more to himself than anyone that he could be a capable and dynamic command officer when required. Following the events of the rogue Dominion attack in the Deneb Sector and the devastation that Starfleet suffered in the fallout of the Borg attack in the Sol system, Starfleet Command took Captain Theodoras’ recommendation to heart and offered Mac a command of his own – the newly commissioned USS Republic.


APB Richard Madden, image by Cath

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2385 - 2387 Operations Officer USS Willowbank
2387 - 2388 Operations Officer USS Willowbank
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2388 - 2389 Operations Officer USS Unconquered
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2389 - 2392 Operations Officer USS Unconquered
2392 - 2394 Operations Officer USS Veronok
2394 - 2396 Chief Operations Officer USS Atlantis NCC-81424
Lieutenant Commander
2396 - 2399 Executive Officer USS Atlantis NCC-81424
Lieutenant Commander
2399 - 2400 Executive Officer USS Atlantis NCC-81424
2400 - 2401 Executive Officer USS Atlantis NCC-90562
2401 - Present Commanding Officer USS Republic NCC-91371