
Profile Overview

Vartan Volconyan

Human Male

Character Information




Served onboard the U.S.S. Phoenix as the chief tactical officer (Lieutenant) until mid-late 2367. He was promoted to the captaincy, in mid 2374 commanding the Nebula-class U.S.S. Omni.


Vartan Volconyan was the son of the late Lieutenant Commander Kirkor Volconyan who served onboard the U.S.S. Rutledge.  Vartan wished to follow his father’s footsteps by joining Starfleet. After his graduation he was assigned to a Starbase.  His new transfer/assignment took place on 2365. Captain Benjamin Maxwell of the U.S.S Phoenix requested the young Volconyan to be his tactical officer.

In late 2367 Lt. Volconyan was acquitted of charges due to following orders from his former C.O. (Capt. Ben Maxwell) regarding the incident involving the destruction of a Cardassian research facility, and two vessels.   In mid 2374 Vartan Volconyan was promoted to the captaincy and in command of the U.S.S. Omni to this day.