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Profile Overview


Caitian Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Vice Admiral S'iraa




S’iraa has a commanding presence about him that is hard to miss at six and a half feet tall. Black tipped ears and tail his features are very typical of Caitian men with a broad shoulder span and strong muscle structure, which the uniform he wears hides. His uniform jacket it slightly cut to the rear for his tail as is his uniform trousers to allow his tail to poke through the back of them. His whiskers stick out from his nose to equal length left and right these are kept neatly trimmed, his claws are extremely sharp which to date having since left the Holeworld of Cait, has never shown anybody them, some believe he does not have any. S’iraa is a proud and confident Caitian, sure of his abilities and those around him. When not in uniform he can be seen in traditional Caitian attire.


Since graduating from the Academy S’iraa has lead a normal career performing as he was expected to in any given position he served, at the rank of Commander he was assigned to Starfleet Command to act as a member of staff at the Academy, help the Cadets and Ensigns learn more on Caitian ways as a part of their studies for the science branch and intelligence. This is where the rumour that he had no claws came about as this lesson was done but used replicas instead of his own. After 6 years there he rose to Captain and was assigned the USS Ares, a cruiser. He found however that he felt this was not filling his expectations and resulted in him taking up Federation Law exams, attaining degrees in two of them, he attended classes on Vulcan and Betazed to help learn about Law from those who lived in harmony with it and liked the way it was applied.

Starfleet took notice of his interest in Law and offered him a position within the JAG office, S’iraa quickly accepted and handled 1,093 cases during his many years there attaining a 93% success rate of conviction. These ranged from small light punishments to heavy ones including removal from Starfleet and imprisonment. S’iraa took a years leave to visit Cait, while he would never explain the real reason for his visit to anyone else the purpose was really to visit home again and find a mate but unfortunately he never found one and returned to the only thing he knew, Starfleet.

A few years after his return from Cait he was promoted to Commodore and assigned as the JAG officer for a remote sector. S’iraa relished in the challenge to bring order to the sector and indeed he did just that, his assigned starship, again the Ares, was on hand to help him and often commanded it in times requiring his personal touch, though twice reprimanded for damaging the Ares through dangerous actions. S’iraa was selected to become the new Task Force Executive Officer of Task Force 86, an area he had been working in for some years. He was to replace Commodore Bawden of the well known Dreadnought, who was being brought up on charges. When he found out he was to act as prosecution against Commodore Bawden he tendered his resignation from the JAG office, believing it was wrong to pit a man against his successor.

After some convincing S’iraa was allowed to leave the JAG office and return to the Ares, only two weeks later he found his First Officer was to be made Captain, and of the Ares meaning S’iraa had lost the ship he had commanded for nearly a decade. He was saddened by this and went into partial seclusion as he felt that he no longer had a purpose on a ship. It was not until he heard of Commodore Bawden’s retirement that news reached him of his own promotion to Rear Admiral and, as customary for all Admirals, was permitted to select a personal flagship. His thoughts were to take the Ares back but then remembered the Commodores former ship the Dreadnought, having taken a fancy of the class early in his Starfleet career and only boosted when visiting 3 of the only few remaining he leapt at the chance to command a more combat based version of the Galaxy Class. He put in his request to command the Dreadnought saving it from decommission and serves there still. Sadly however the Galaxy Dreadnought USS Dreadnought was destroyed when her engines suffered damage in orbit of a geologically unstable planet while on a rescue operation. The damage caused to the ship escalated into a catastrophic failure of the containment field of the Warp Core and the ship had to be evacuated. S’iraa had to watch on the viewscreen of the USS Warhawk as the planet tore itself apart and moments later the USS Dreadnought with it. It was a slow, painful thing to watch as at first the ship seemed to list to starboard as if try to reach for him, as the nacelles exploded the saucer section was the last to go, a defiant end to the last and one which even still sometimes haunts the Admiral’s dreams.

S’iraa was later assigned the controversial Ronin Class, USS Dreadnought. The Ronin Class had one purpose, just like the Defiant and Akira Classes the Ronin was built for combat. Armed with Type XII phasers, the same type mounted on Starbases she was also fitted with two Type XX Cannons. This weapon is slightly more then four times as powerful as a type-XII phaser shot, yet it has a slightly shorter range. This weapon can be fired as a beam or pulse but the damage potential was the focus for their deployment. An interchangeable pod meant the load out of the ship could be changed to suit mission outlines or a weapons pod could be instead to enhance the ships already impressive armament.

S’iraa found a mate in Miranda Blackfur, together the paid retired to the Homeworld until his eventual recall to service again in Task Force 99.