
Profile Overview

APB Hannah John-Kaman, image by Annex

Sidda Sadovu

Orion Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Commander Sidda


Executive Officer
USS Republic


Mistress of the Vondem Rose, free trader of the Archanis Sector, protector of the innocent and general antagonist of House D’Ghor. Occasional a pirate, occasionally a pirate hunter, part time privateer and legitimately a Starfleet salvage contractor.

Sidda has wavered between multiple positions in her life, but tends towards a more chaotic form of helpful then anything else. While her background is somewhat obfuscated by her own efforts, it is confirmed she once was part of at least one pirate band, she rescued Orin and Telin, stole the Vondem Thorn from a KDF depot yard with Kevak, her mother is a Starfleet Captain, her father an Orion merchant prince and she has actually rescued a princess, or as close as one can get in this day and age.

She’s also blown up a marauder stronghold without warning, shot a man in cold blood, kidnapped a pirate king from his fortress, removed two planetary governments from power and occasionally engaged in small bouts of blackmail verging on piracy.


Image created by McGig


Mistress of the Vondem Rose, free trader of the Archanis Sector, protector of the innocent and general antagonist of House D’Ghor. Occasional a pirate, occasionally a pirate hunter, part time privateer and legitimately a Starfleet salvage contractor.

Captain Sidda Sadovu, though she prefers to simply be called Captain Sidda, as Captain Sadovu is her mother thank you very much, is the former owner and commander of the armed merchant vessel Vondem Thorn. While that vessel was lost, luckily with no loss of life, as far as Sidda was concerned, it has been replaced by her newest acquisition, the duly registered armed merchant vessel, the SS Vondem Rose, certified as such by Starfleet Command and the UFP’s Bureau of Ship Registration after actions rendered during the Archanis Campaign.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2401 - Present Executive Officer USS Republic