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Profile Overview

Dia Revna

Human Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Captain Revna




Dia Revna was recently promoted to Captain and assigned to NX-06 Endeavor. This is her first command of a detachment with no other MAKO officer in direct control. She is a hardworking very military minded individual. She can be overly serious at times and has a hard time lightening up and relaxing when there are things that need to be done or can be improved upon. She expects the best both from her self and those she commands.


Personal History:

Early Life: Dia was born in Old Toronto on September 21st, 2122 and abandoned in the hospital she was born in by her parents. She bounced round from orphanage to orphanage as a child. One of the many social workers suggested to her when she was sixteen she apply for the Junior Officer course that ran in the summer and should she be successful she would be given a spot at their Secondary School Academy in New York and then sent to University also in New York funded by the MACO’s.

MACO Academy and University:

Dia managed to pass through the aptitude testing and practical tests through out the summer she was fifteen and managed to secure a spot in the middle of the pack at the MACO secondary school Academy in New York. Devoting herself to her studies and physical fitness she graduated on the honour role of her class. During her time at the Academy she made many lasting friendships that she would hold dearly as she then attended university with much of her graduating class. At the Academy the students not only learned their basic secondary school courses but there were a plethora of extra curricular activities available for the students that they were not only offered but expected to take part in several of them. Dia focused on Chess and was a medium classed player, for physical fitness she focused on obstacle course running and competed both her years against other Academies as well as active MACO units always placing very well at these competitions, she also enjoyed hand to hand combat. In addition to all of these activities her summers were full of Military training building on the summer of testing. During her first summer while attending the Academy she qualified on personal weapons and her leadership skills in the field began to become obvious to both her instructors and peers. Her summer between graduating from the Academy and starting University she was selected for basic Zero G training at Jupiter Point Station.

Her four years of University passed by her in what seemed like a blink of an eye. Those that she had attended the Academy with that she had continued to University with had become like a family to her. She had become very close with both Jason Val and his twin sister Kary, they had invited her to several family holidays and their parents had started to treat her almost as their third child. Though out her time at University she continued to develop her chess and other extracurricular activities. Her peers did not always like her very much as the way she led and organised them during their training outside of school was not always pleasant, that being said they had a great respect for her as she always got the job done or was always close to getting the job done. The three summers during her University were spent primarily upgrading their skills in the field from leading ncms in field exercise’s to survival training at Luna or in different extreme climates on earth they were never boring. Graduating from University in 2154 she was granted the rank of First Lieutenant, she was assigned to Jupiter Point Station.

Pre War Career:

During the time leading up to the war Dia was assigned to Jupiter point station as a platoon Commander with the rank of First Lieutenant. Her she bonded quickly with those within her command and they quickly developed them selves as a highly functional unit both in boarding actions and defensive actions. They based many of their training sims off of the reports from Major Hayes and Captain Archer and their experiences within the expanse. At the out set of the war units with more experience were selected to serve aboard ships both in and out of the Sol system ahead of Dia and her unit.

War Career:

Since the out set of the war Dia and her units priority has been focused on pre deployment training incorporating and all reports received through out the war. Just prior to the Endeavours return to the Sol System Dia received her promotion to captain and her appointment to the Endeavour bringing with her the NCMS under her. With the assignment to Endeavour she was informed that the First Lieutenant and Staff Sergeant aboard Endeavour would be staying aboard to give their first hand experience to her as she took command of the detachment.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2122 - 2138 Civilian Old Toronto
2138 - 2140 Junior Officer West Point
2140 - 2144 Officer Cadet West Point
Second Lieutenant
2144 - 2156 Platoon Commander Jupiter Point Station
First Lieutenant
2156 - Present MACO Detachment Commander Endeavour NX-06