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Profile Overview

Erick Allison

Human Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Senior Chief Petty Officer Allison


Starbase 72


Erick Anthony Allison



Erick Allison (born August 20, 2362) is a Federation Starfleet Senior Chief Petty Officer currently serving as enlisted aide and Command Senior Chief to Commodore Nelson Buechner, Task Force 72 Executive Officer.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2380 Basic Engineering Training Starfleet Academy
Crewman Recruit
2380 - 2381 Junior Technician Earth Spaceyards
Crewman Apprentice
2381 - 2382 Technician Earth Spaceyards
2382 - 2384 Technician | Assistant Shift Supervisor Earth Spaceyards
Petty Officer 3rd Class
2384 - 2386 Senior Technician | Assistant Shift Supervisor Earth Spaceyards
Petty Officer 2nd Class
2386 - 2388 Enlisted Recruit Instructor Starfleet Academy
Petty Officer 1st Class
2388 - 2392 Engineering Quality Control Officer USS Prince Edward Island
Petty Officer 1st Class
2392 - 2395 Duty Shift Supervisor USS Chile
Chief Petty Officer
2395 - 2399 Senior Technician | Shift Supervisor Earth Spaceyards
Chief Petty Officer
2399 - Present Command Senior Chief Starbase 72 | TFXO Staff
Senior Chief Petty Officer