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Profile Overview


Orion Female

Character Information




Zhinni was born on Orion in 2364. She and her mother were sold into slavery and sent to Bajor. When the Cardassian occupation of Bajor ended, Zhinni and her mother, Nellous, were left behind. Odo trained Nellous to be one of his security officers on DS9. Zhinni grew up on the station. Zhinni learned from her mother growing up that she needed to work harder than anyone else to be accepted and respected. As a result, Zhinni learned to keep her pheremones in check. She also took up bodybuilding.


Zhinni was born on Orion in 2364. She and her mother were sold into slavery and sent to Bajor. When the Cardassian occupation of Bajor ended, Zhinni and her mother, Nellous, were left behind. Odo trained Nellous to be one of his security officers. Zhinni grew up on the station. Zhinni learned from her mother that she needed to work harder than anyone else to be accepted and respected. As a result, Zhinni was able to keep her pheremones in check. She applied and was accepted to Starfleet Academy.