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Profile Overview


Caitian Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Captain Roaa




Currently Commanding Officer, USS Sirona following promotion of Batai Dhej to Admiral, and reassignment to Starfleet Medical


Roaa is a Caitian male, similar in looks to a terran lion. Unfortuantley, he was the ‘runt’ of his litter, and didn’t grow as tall as a normal male. Due to his smaller size, he spent a lot more time with his mother studying, then out with the other males of his den.

Once he was old enough, he applied to join Starfleet, knowing he wanted to get away from home and start a new life for himself. Being only one of a few Caitians in Starfleet, he knew he would have a hard time ‘fitting in’, but he excelled at his studies, and graduated with good marks.

To say his decision to join Starfleet did not go over well with his parents would be an understatement. He is not currently in contact with them, and the relationship is … strained.

Roaa is a Caitian male, similar in looks to a terran lion. Unfortuantley, he was the ‘runt’ of his litter, and didn’t grow as tall as a normal male. Due to his smaller size, he wasn’t involved in ‘The Hunt’, and was virtually ignored by a lot of siblings. As a result, he spent a lot more time with his mother studying, then out with the other males of his den. The fact that his mother was a healer in their community, helped cultivate his interest in medicine. Unfortunatley, his interest made him the source of a lot of abuse from other males, as medicine was seen as ‘female’ work.

Once he was old enough, and had finished standard school, he applied to join Starfleet, knowing he wanted to get away from home and start a new life for himself. Being only one of a few Caitians in Starfleet, he knew he would have a hard time ‘fitting in’, but he excelled at his studies, and graduated with good marks. It would be an understatement to say his decision to leave Cait, and his so-called responsibilities as a male in his tribe, did not go well with his parents. After he left for the Academy, they disowned him, and he hasn’t been in contact with them at all.

While at the Academy, he met a lot of different types of people, and different species. These meetings help him realize that some of the feelings he had as a young kitten were normal. This realization lead to him having a few short term relationships with some of his male classmates, but nothing long term. With his identity still in development, Roaa found himself losing a bit of his outgoing personality, and struggling with some depression. Thankfully he was able to speak to some of the resident counselors, and develop coping mechanisms.
After being assigned to his first ship, the Nerid, Roaa began to feel respect for his abilities as a healer and began to develop a stronger sense of self. An away mission, in which a few members of the team were seriously injured, woke him up to the reality of being a Starfleet medical officer. Being a doctor wasn’t just about regular checkups and patching up minor wounds. It had a darker side, where you had another beings life, litteraly in your paws.
Over time, he was fortunate to be promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade. A few years later the oppourtunity to transfer to the USS Crazy Horse as Assistant Chief Medical Officer came up. He jumped at the chance to further develop his skills


Service Record

*Starfleet Academy

*Assigned to USS Nerid as Medical Officer and Ensign. After 3 years, was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
*Transfered to USS Crazy Horse as Assistant Chief Medical Officer
*Transfered to Starfleet Academy as an Instructor in Senior Seminar for Starfleet Medical
* Transfered to USS Venture as Assistant Chief Medical Officer
* Promotion to full Lieutenant and assignment as Chief Medical Officer, U.S.S. Venture
*Completion of Bridge Officer and Command Officer Training Courses, given additional role as Second Officer U.S.S. Venture
*Transferred to U.S.S. Wulan as First Officer with promotion to Lieutenant Commander
*Promotion to Commander
*Transfer to USS Sirona as Commanding Officer and promotion to Captain