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Profile Overview

Tobias Hobbs

human male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Hobbs




Tobias is currently the Security Chief on board the ISS Yamato. He was born on Earth and when he became old enough trained to serve. He showed his worth on several ships and is currently assigned to the Yamato. He is loyal to his commanding officer and the Empire.


Tobias was born to a prostitute on Earth. He never knew his father and grew up on the streets. By the time he was twelve he was selling weapons with a gang. Before very long he was picked up by the authorities and ended up being taken in by a couple who ran a strict and structured household.

Though at first he hated it, Tobias learned discipline from the father figure, Axel Rhodes. He taught him to fight, to defend himself, how to use knives, weapons and the importance to going to school and getting an education. Tobias formed a bond with him which was the closest to family he ever experienced.

Just after graduation, Tobias decided to head to the Terran Empire Academy and majored in Security and Tactical. He worked hard and graduated in the upper portion of his class.

Just after graduation, while on a liberty until his assignment he went back to say goodbye to the couple that took him in, he found Axel dead on the kitchen floor. Hearing some sounds coming from the bedroom he walked in on Axel’s wife in bed with the gardener. Several hours later, when the authorities arrived, they found everyone in the house dead and the case is still unsolved.

Not long after Tobias got the call that he had been assigned to a ship and headed back to start his assignment.

Tobias served on the ISS Destruction and proved to be valuable when he discovered a plot within the ship and prevented his superior from murdering him and the command staff. He was transferred to the Falcon where he was promoted to assistant security/tactical chief.

It was while serving on the ISS Falcon that Tobias became involved with the captain. Their relationship was stormy and on a death spiral. Tobias suspected she was seeing someone new and requested a transfer which was granted to the ISS Yamato. Along with his transfer came a promotion to Chief. Several hours after Tobias left the ship, the captain was found in bed with her Chief Engineer. From the evidence at the crime scene it was ruled a suicide.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2263 - Present Chief Security Officer ISS Yamato
2359 - 2363 Assistant Security Chief ISS Falcon
2355 - 2359 Security Officer ISS Destruction
2351 - 2355 Security/Tactical Training Terran Empire Training Academy, Security & Tactical