
Profile Overview

Created using materials from

Nicholas Rommigan


Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Rommigan


Hart Squad - Logisitics & Operations Specialist
USS Britannia


Part human, part something else, Rommigan’s father was never particularly forthcoming with the details of his ancestry, not that it ever mattered to the young golden-skinned boy as he buried himself in the library of their remote home in the demilitarized zone. Showing an unexpected aptitude for computing and digital infrastructure, Rommigan excelled at the Academy in many of his engineering classes despite his reclusive and isolated nature. Quiet and considered in all he does, Rommigan quietly serves the Federation from the safety of his lab aboard Britannia, happy to be ‘the guy in the chair’ who coordinates his colleague’s heroics.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2401 - Present Hart Squad - Logistics Specialist USS Britannia
Lieutenant Junior Grade