George was born in 2372 in the desert heartland of Albuquerque, New Mexico. As a young Native American man, he was raised within the traditions of his people, deeply connecting with his heritage and spiritual practices. His family’s roots trace back to the Navajo Nation, where George learned the values of strength, resilience, and honor, values that he would carry with him throughout his life.
Life was simple but fulfilling. Navajo society was matriarchal, instilling good communication skills and respect for others. That was the impetus for George’s mix of curiosity and sense of fairness that has served him well.
Height 1.93m/6 ft 4m
Weight 125kg/275lbs
Hair: brown/black
Eye color: brown
Physically imposing due to his large size, George stands tall with a broad, muscular build, but his gentle nature often surprises those who first meet him. His calm demeanor and unshakeable presence make him a natural fit for his role in Starfleet Security, where he serves as a Petty Officer. He is known for being methodical and intuitive when it comes to maintaining order and keeping the peace, whether on a starship or in high-stakes situations. His dedication to duty is matched only by his loyalty to his fellow crew members.
Off-duty, George is a skilled guitarist, often strumming simple yet soulful tunes during his free time. Music serves as both a personal escape and a means to stay connected to his roots. His love for music is matched only by his passion for working with his hands.
Despite his tough exterior, George is a deeply compassionate and introspective individual. He is driven by a strong sense of responsibility to both his Starfleet family and the values of his Native American heritage, balancing both with an ease that makes him a valuable asset to any team.
Notable Skills & Interests:
- Expert in hand-to-hand combat and tactical security operations
- Skilled guitarist with an affinity for traditional Earth music
- Passionate about metal and woodworking as an artist
- Deep understanding of Native American culture and traditions
- Calm, patient, and empathetic under pressure
Personal Interests:
- Music: George has a passion for playing the guitar. Whether strumming soothing melodies or creating intricate compositions, he finds solace and joy in music.
- Craftsmanship: Known for his skillful hands, George loves fixing things. Be it starship components or everyday objects, he takes pride in repairing and maintaining them.
- Artisan Work: Whenever he gets the chance, George indulges in his love for creating at the forge or lathe. Crafting metalwork or woodworking projects allows him to connect with his heritage and express his creativity.
- Enlisted in Starfleet Security as an enlisted crew member, undergoing basic training and security specialization courses at Starfleet Academy.
- Assigned to the USS Horizon
- as a Security Officer. Quickly gained a reputation for his calmness under pressure and ability to work effectively in high-stress situations.
- Participated in several peacekeeping missions in the Federation’s border regions, showing remarkable diplomacy and leadership in tense negotiations.
- Promoted to Petty Officer Third Class following the successful completion of several missions related to protecting Federation assets from rogue factions and defending colonies from hostile species.
- Involved in various disaster recovery operations, including aiding civilians during a major transport accident in the Alpha Quadrant. His quick thinking saved numerous lives during a volatile situation.
- Promoted to Petty Officer Second Class,
- Assisted in multiple high-profile security operations, including a joint operation with the Klingon Defense Force against pirate activity near the Federation-Klingon border.
- Assigned to oversee security on a Federation science station in the Gamma Quadrant as part of an extended mission under the guidance of Starfleet Command.
2398: Transferred to the USS Aegis
Played a pivotal role in the successful defense of the station during a sudden attack by an unknown alien species. George’s strategic foresight and calm in a chaotic situation helped prevent casualties.
- Led security teams during a high-risk diplomatic mission to the Romulan Empire, where his mediation skills were crucial in diffusing tensions during critical talks.
Promoted to Petty Officer First Class for exceptional service, with a noted commendation for ongoing participation in a peacekeeping mission near the Romulan Neutral Zone.
- Focused on interspecies diplomacy and conflict resolution, alongside his duties maintaining ship security. Known for his ability to bridge cultural divides, George earned praise for his role in helping avoid a conflict between the Federation and Romulan forces.
George remains a valued member of Starfleet’s security division, known not only for his strength and reliability but also for his deep wisdom and understanding of the world around him.