Starfleet, traveling, her mother – there are times Linna hates all three of these things. As a young woman only just starting to discover who she wants to be and what she envisions for her future, she certainly faces no shortage on conflicts.
With long, flowing hair and soft features, Linna seems to be the polar opposite of her mother. She has inherited her pale complexion and confident posture, but that’s about it. Lacking her mother’s sharpness, her hazel eyes are kind and understanding, her smile warm and sincere.
There is nothing about Linna that could be interpreted as threatening — if she wasn’t the Captain’s daughter, she would barely be noticed. Perhaps she could be described as conventionally pretty, but describing her as mousy would be just as accurate.
Linna makes friends easily, but prefers her own company, often getting lost in novels or holodeck programs and needing reminders to socialise and study. She tends to be quietly introverted, but doesn’t shy away from conflict if it arises — much to the dismay of her mother.
Linna was born on the USS Cologne, where she spent the first two years of her life. She doesn’t remember that time, nor her father—neither of which she feels is missing from her life.
She grew up on the USS Düsseldorf, where she remained for seven years, attending the ship’s early childhood education program and later primary school. Even then, her mother’s demanding schedule and high expectations had already begun to strain their relationship, and Linna found herself more attached to her teachers than to her own parent.
When they moved to the USS Jacksonville, they stayed for only a year. Linna was sad to leave newly made friends behind, but for her, there was never any option other than following where her mother’s career led her.
During the three years on the USS Aveana, Linna first expressed dissatisfaction with the constant transfers and sought more frequent contact with her grandparents. When another transfer was announced, she asked to be allowed to live on Earth instead. However, her mother gave it little consideration before deciding Linna was not yet old enough to choose for herself and brought her to the USS Sirona instead.