
Profile Overview

Adam Markarian

Human? Male


Character Information

Rank & Address

Ensign Markarian


USS Anaheim


Unknown (Uses November 2nd 2382)



Adam is almost human. He was raised on Mars before his admittance to Starfleet Academy. He now begins his Tactical track.


Adam is almost human. Like many worlds through out the galaxy, his people evolved very close to the peoples of Earth. He has a nose, two ears, and a mess of hair on his head and… yes. His homeworld however, is a mystery. The Starfleet vessel that discovery his pod adrift could not find any clear indicators as to the origin of its single infant passenger.

Raised among humans, he passed easily among them and thrived academically. But his application to Starfleet was primarily based on his desire to pursue the unknown. The tales of strange new worlds captivated him. And the story of his own discovery set him towards the stars.