
Profile Overview

Reon Williams

Human Bajoran Hybrid Male


Character Information

Rank & Address

Ensign Williams


USS Morro Bay


Williams Reon (Bajoran Format)


Luna, Sol System





Reon Williams is an eager ensign fresh from Starfleet Academy. His early hurtles have intensified his sense of pride in Starfleet and its mission. He sees his first posting aboard Starbase Bravo as the great culmination of his early life that will propel him into a life of adventure.


6’1″. Dark brown hair. Grey nearly betazoid like eyes. Discreet nose ridges are the outer indication that he owes half his heritage to the humans of Earth.



Reon is quick to act. And slow to reason. That isn’t to say he would be at all mistaken for unreasonable. But like the Bajoran freedom fighters from his mother’s distant past, he is quick to decide the good from the bad. The rationalizing opinions of those around him are then slow to gray the shades of black and white in his sight.

He has a deep sense of Honor and loyalty to those he sees as strong in morality. Comrades are like long lost siblings he feels eager to share his whole heart with.

His quick draw of battle lines and deep sense of honor has created an unconscious habit of choosing aggressive paths placed before him. To date, he has avoided confrontation with this character flaw. But character growth is unfortunately always behind the next corner.



Reon was born in 2379 to a bajoran woman and human man in a Starfleet medical ward on Earth’s moon. He is the oldest of three children in the family and the first to follow in his parents footsteps by joining Starfleet.

His Father was an operations officer who met his mother after she was transferred to Starfleet Security from the recently absorbed Bajoran Militia. They each inspired a sense of duty in their children, but most so in Reon. He entered the Academy at the age of 18 with high ambitions of pursuing a command track. Those dreams were shattered within a year.

His early days at the academy were stunted by lapses in concentration and a difficulty with his STEM courses. Nearly flanking his sophomore year, he found a last hold in Security. With a new track and reinvigorated determination, Reon Williams Graduated from Starfleet Academy at the turn of 2402. Ready to begin his life as a new officer; bearing the delta upon his chest into the stars.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2397 - 2398 Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Freshman Grade
2398 - 2400 Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2400 - 2401 Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Junior Grade
2401 - 2402 Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Senior Grade
2402 - Present Security Starbase Bravo