
Profile Overview

Arys Turunen

Bajoran/Human hybrid Woman


Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Arys


USS Sirona




Arys Turunen


Finland, Earth


Once Chief Medical Officer of a prestigious space station, Arys’ life took a drastic turn when her engagement to a Cardassian Ambassador was broken off, and she relocated to an independent space dock instead. There, she opened a medical practise and made a name for herself, settling into her new environment until associates of the Orion Syndicate demanded she give up the location of two of her friends.
When Arys refused, she was taken prisoner, and eventually used for her medical expertise. After several months, her unwillingness to serve was broken, and she was sent to a vessel specialising in the harvest and sale of Borg implants.


Arys has thinning black hair with tired curls that fall over protruding shoulder blades. She might have lost much of her charm long with her bodyweight, but her blue eyes retained their intensity even through the struggles she has faced.
Medical scans reveal several broken bones that never really healed, and an indication of a time Arys was less compliant with the wishes of her masters.
What remains in pristine condition are her hands, likely one of her most valuable assets. Her clothing reflects her situation – she accepts what she’s been given, and tries to make the best out of it.


As a highly intelligent individual, Arys grasps new concepts quickly, and tries to bring invention and innovation into her work whenever possible. She doesn’t speak much, and maintains a polite tone with her masters. To her patients, she is distanced but caring, trying to nurture them back to health whenever possible.


Childhood and Adolescense

Arys was the younger one of Tuomas’ and Sileah’s two children and grew up in the northern part of Europe. Due to her grandfather’s occupation as a diplomat, and the fact that Arys travelled with him, she spent her childhood and early teenage years exposed to different species and cultures, rejecting her Bajoran heritage.

Her mother, a former member of the Bajoran Resistance, did not approve. She all but forced the participation in prayer and Bajoran holidays – something Arys hated passionately. After the end of the Dominion War, Sileah insisted on moving her family to Bajor in order to familiarize her children more with the Bajoran culture. While Aaron quickly made new friends and would later say that he felt ‘complete’ when exploring his people’s history and faith, Arys felt caged and unhappy.

When her mother and father split, Arys returned to Earth with her father.

Education on Earth

Having returned to Earth, Arys finished College, and studied medicine. She worked as a doctor under her father’s tutorage, specializing in obstetrics, gynaecology, and prenatal surgery. She was by no means the best in her field but benefitted a lot from her father’s name and reputation. After several years of persistent encouragement by her grandfather and thorough preparation for the entry exam, Arys eventually applied to Starfleet Academy. She decided to major in Counselling and eventually become a Diplomat like her grandfather, but let a mentor convince her to obtain medical qualifications in addition. She finished Starfleet Academy successfully after almost six years.

Starfleet Career

Upon graduating, Arys was posted to the USS Saint Raphael, where she began working as a Counsellor. After only three months she was transferred to a large Starbase as a Medical Officer – something she struggled with for quite some time. After all, it seemed that she had wasted the past years. It took several months for her to realize that her passion was indeed being a Medical Officer, and her commitment to her patients and life-saving research got her promoted to Chief Medical Officer.

Personal Life

Over the years of working, she fell in love and got engaged to Cardassian Ambassador Lukin Zorkal, who enabled her to search for her long lost half-Cardassian half brother. Upon finding out that he and his wife were murdered in what seemed like a robbery gone wrong, Lukin and Arys adopted their orphaned daughter Geleth.
Arys struggled with settling into this new kind of family life, and buried herself in work instead. During a moment of weakness, after being injured during a mission, she confessed her struggles to Lukin – who decided that she was no longer a worthy partner, and left her.
Due to the nature of Cardassian law surrounding adoptions of Cardassian citizens, Geleth was forced to return to Cardassia.

In particular the Tabloid “Star Crossed” loved to report on that story, tarnishing Arys’ reputation to the extent that she decided to leave Starfleet for the time being.

Miranda VII

Arys found herself traveling to an independent space dock rather than Earth, and dedicated her time to build a medical practise. She received ample support from the friends she still had among Starfleet, and was quickly able to build a reputation for herself.
One day, a former colleague – Nestira Aristren – and her friend Alasafor arrived. Alasafor was in need of medical aid, which Arys gladly offered him.
When both left, Arys believed she would be able to return to the routine she had developed – perhaps even return to Starfleet –  but would soon learn that fate had other things in store for her.

Orion Syndicate

A few weeks after Alasafor and Nestira’s departure, associates of the Orion Syndicate came to investigate their whereabouts. Arys refused to share this information – partially because she didn’t know – and was taken prisoner. For the first few months, she was forced to treat injured Syndicate members, but was eventually moved to a vessel specialised in harvesting Borg implants and selling them to the highest bidder.